The Good Stuff.


Hand colored Summer.


  1. Shot back in the Summer of 1991. Hand colored sometime in 1993. Originally shot for a magazine story about Summer fashion in Texas. Just found in a drawer......

  2. Ah yes. I remember hand coloring. I haven't done it in years. Maybe I should dive back in that pool again [sly reference to the prior post;-)].

  3. Wow, Kirk, beautiful picture! If only I could paint I would paint all over my own photographs! But I can't, so my pictures remain naked and exposed in their original unoriginality.

    Greg Shanta

  4. I'm with Greg on this one - paint and I don't get along, unless you like abstracts...

  5. Through most of the '90s I offered hand-colored casual portraits of children as a sideline to my commercial business. Did fairly well with it, but I did not do the coloring myself -- I farmed it out.

  6. This is so beautiful. Inspires me.

  7. Wow.

    And I thought capturing *the* moment, as HCB would put it is hard enough. Then comes Kirk and teaches us art.

  8. I have never had a photograph move me as this one has. It's incredible. From the almost sneering look on her face to the softness of the color. It's amazing. Has anyone told you that you are an artist today?


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