The Good Stuff.


Creating your own background. Making your own art.

I wanted a cool, warm background for a photo I was working on of four women in wild, bling, "art bras."  I'd be photographing them in a group and wanted something a background.  So I dropped by the art supply store and bought a square canvas and came home for a little painting session.  Red, with tinges of black mixed in, as a background for warm yellow.  Now, this is just a starting point.  Once you've pulled the background into PhotoShop the sky is the limit.  I played with the background until I ended up with something I really liked and then I tested it by throwing in my favorite singer/actor/model: Selena.  The final background is the result of some motion blur, a couple of filters in Topaz Adjust (Photoshop plug-in) and some quick selection moves.  Nothing fancy compared to what I'm sure most of my readers are capable of doing.  But the cool thing is the idea that you can paint your own backgrounds for just about anything.

I'd show you the Art Bra finished piece but I need to wait on that until the people print it in their calendar.  It's wonderful to have a studio, no matter how small or rough.  At least you'll have a place where you can splash paint around without people fussing.  And you can sit in front of your computer and write blogs while the dog sits at your feet and looks at you adoringly.  Not bad.

Gaussian Blur.

Saturation and motion blur.

Just Plain Nasty.


  1. Silly question maybe, but couldn't you have done the painting in PS and combined the two images? I haven't used PS in years but I seem to remember it is possible.

  2. I love it. I personally want to get some huge pieces of muslin, or drop cloths and paint some fun stuff, and leave PS completely out of the equation. I always like to say if I am not making a mess, I'm not really working.

  3. Robert, Thank you.

    Jeff, I betcha I can do it faster on canvas than I can in PS. And it's more fun too.

  4. I like the real background thing much better. The edges look clumsy and unrefined. Not your usual great stuff.
    Hate me for my honesty? Hope not

  5. Debbi, So much for a "behind the scenes" idea in progress. No hating. Just wanted to talk about what I think is a fun concept: Painting or creating your own backgrounds. Sadly, I am not good at everything....

  6. Funny you should mention this Kirk, I was just thinking about buying a bunch of cans of spray paint for converting white seamless into whatever color texture combo would strike my fancy. Spraypaint is cheap and fast. (and you don't need PS to blur the edges) ;-)

  7. I hope you never grow up. You're like one of my buddies who aren't afraid of being themselves; silly, honest, inquisitive, and relevant. I look forward to seeing you on the play ground some day.

  8. I really like the idea of spray paint -- having a texture in the background may or may not be a good thing!


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