The Good Stuff.


I never get to see myself working. This is cool.

Thank you, ATMTX

This was taken while we were working on the Bodhi Bike photos a week ago.  It's so fun to see behind the scenes stuff for me.  I spend most of my time on the other side of cameras.......


  1. One of the benefits of a freelancer is the casual dress code.

  2. Frank, I had the coat and tie on, even the wingtips, but when it hit 100 my boss relented....

  3. That doesn't really look like work. ;)

  4. You're a quick change artist too! You never cease to amaze.

  5. Kirk, you look so damn cool. It's the chica that's hot..... Nice shot.

  6. Kirk,

    Best of all, that behind the scenes photo was taken with an Olympus E-PL1, one of your favorites?

  7. Kirk, you are welcome. And thank you for all the traffic to my blog. I knew something was up when I saw this unusually high volume spike! To have this viewership all the time. What a dream.

  8. Where are the lights? Assistant? Gear bag? Stuff? :-)

  9. Nice model, but nobody is going to think she will actually ride the bike with those shoes.

  10. Richard, Point of view of the photographer is different and doesn't show the shoes.

    Dean, Gear Bag? Do ya shoot better with 20 pounds hanging over your shoulder?

  11. All you need to see more of yourself working is a spouse that follows you around taking pictures of you taking pictures. My husband does a lot of that ;=)


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