The Good Stuff.


Food. Food. Food. A quick post for a client.


  1. Ha!, knew you couldn't keep away [again]

  2. I should never look at your blog on an empty stomach....all that food! Yummy! I hope your client likes it as much as I do...

  3. We're trying to decide on a style and it's just easier to send them all here.

  4. What happened to Monday the 26th? And were you kidding about starting up a group on Flickr? What you really need is a page on Formspring where we can all ask you questions over and over again about the Olympus Pens!

  5. I am now hungry.

    Michael B

  6. Yeah, you are definitely a until Monday, Ha!

  7. As they say at Max's Opera Cafe, this is a bad place for a diet.

  8. Very nice! Not sure what to think about the green picnic table, though. It seems out of place...
    The others are all first rate!

  9. I assumed the green picnic table showed your lunch!

  10. The D300 is surprisingly well represented in this series. Had no idea you carted one of those around for food shots!

  11. David, not for at least a year and a half now. It's just a collage of images so the client and I can talk about style. But I often use the 7D which is pretty much the same thing....different flavor.

    Joe wins. Indeed. Lunch at PTerry's hamburger stand.

  12. You're amazing when it comes to humans.

    But - this food work is just out of this world! I'm so hungry now...

  13. Dude, Not Cool!!! Now I am hungry, I have to wait 4 hours before I can eat, and my sack lunch (which I normally like) is going to taste bad since it doesn't look as good as the food in those pics.

  14. Good to get back on you blog....still doing my laps...I have to..after reading your blog entries, I get so hungry!!! LOL

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I just posted a food pic on my blog and then this! What, you just trying to show me up?... 8^) Very cool pics, and man I gotta practice!


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