The Good Stuff.


New Career!!!! Teaching people at serious companies how to play air guitar.

Working on a Holiday Card for a client of nearly 10 years.  Putting together the card with a background illustration and 70 individual people photographs sprinkled through.  Someone needed to make the scientists and engineers smile and laugh.  I was showing someone my air guitar technique when "Lightning Reflexes" Amy Smith grabbed a Canon 1dsMk2 and popped a couple shots.  If you can't be silly you really shouldn't be around other people.  Arch seriousness is just annoying.....


  1. Thank You Kirk:)
    Had a great time working with you, as always!

  2. Right back at you Amy. Maybe we can convince Manuels to do a monthly food shoot. I think we'd both like that too.....!

  3. Very funny. Reminds me of the "Bose Eggheads" campaign of years (eons?) ago. "If you can't be silly you really shouldn't be around other people" - how true. And you make a great model there, too!

  4. Ah, now I see what the economic downturn is doing to photographers.


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