The Good Stuff.


Coffee break.

Just taking a coffee break.  This is my cappuccino at the sidewalk tables at Medici Cafe on Congress Ave. (in Austin).  The sun was on the other side of the building and the light was coming in from the overcast sky, around dusk.  I was checking messages on my phone and I liked the way everything looked when it was wonky and off balance.  It was one of those rare days when even my coffee looked good to me and I didn't want to waste it.  It was rich.


  1. Wow. I dig simple and abstract. This is a lovely photo.

  2. Tuckster,
    I couldn't even see the picture you refer to because it was taken with the camera with the eensy weensy sensor. Where are you picture? Picture I can't see you!

  3. Looking forward to my double espresso treat this morning too. How many cups of coffee do you reckon you've photographed over the years Kirk? I know I must of taken a fair few myself - B&W film and a lovely crema is my fave. Wanting that coffee already! :)

  4. Funny. I took a similar sort of shot at Tate Liverpool's cafe recently, my wife was a bit embarrassed I think.

  5. I love this shot! I just sat there staring at it for awhile, then showed it to my wife. I like the concentric circles and that, other than the spoon, everything is whites and browns. Now tell me this was taken with the V1 and you may have actually sold me on it... ;)

  6. The problem with reading an article by a fickle photographer is the disorienting inertia of the directional changes. The above image was done with a Canon 1DSmk2 and a 50mm lens.

  7. The directional changes merely serve to remind us that one can make great photographs with any camera.

    This would have been just as good coming from a Nikon V1, an old Kodak DCS, a brand new Canon 1DX, a Hasselblad or any of the other cameras you have on hand at any given time, or have ever owned, or are ever likely to own.

  8. Hi Kirk,

    I am just posting to say how glad I am that you have chosen to continue sharing your thoughts and experiences on the blog. I am one of the many people you wrote about on TOP who, all too infrequently commented to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your posts and viewing your images. Your "cup of coffee" is a fine example of things which simply represent an enjoyable moment which, I hope, is made more so by sharing it. Anyway, I enjoyed it and simply wanted to say "Thank You!"

    All the best,


  9. Coffee shops are seriously buglites for photographers, I swear. Looks delicious, and aesthetically, enamored by the minimalism. :)

  10. Mmmm. A cup of good coffee, one of lifes small yet great joys.

    Lovely and simple picture. I seem to always manage to spill some of the coffee and my coffee shots are henceforth always compromised.

    Thanks for sharing and love it that you can never guess which camera the pic is taken with. :)

  11. I love this simple picture. Oh how I wish the closest decent coffee shop wasn't two hours from where I live.

  12. I love the feeling of this shot!

  13. It's one of the main daily pleasure just to sit or stand in front of a cup of hot coffee for a few minutes of relax, I personally prefer expresso :-) and sometimes taking of photo of it adds even more pleasure!
    Nice photo by the way !


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