The Good Stuff.


An Afternoon at the Theater with the Nikon V1.

I was supposed to shoot a dress rehearsal for an incredible musical, last Tues. night.  I had to call in sick.  We missed the chance to do a dress rehearsal shoot during a rehearsal.  Tues. was the last night without an audience in the house.  So, today I attended the afternoon matinee and sat in a seat that sits a little bit away from surrounding seats, on the side of the center section.  I wasn't able to move around the stage the way I usually do but we really needed the marketing images so this was our option.

Not wanting to distract my fellow show-goers I opted to use the Nikon V1.  I turned off the backscreen, put a little smack of black tape over the green status light and set the shutter to its electronic setting.  Once I turned off the sound, that camera was ultra-stealthy.  Silent.  Small (compared to my 5d2 or 1DSx) and unobtrusive.  I brought all three of the civilian lenses but I shot exclusively with the 30-110.

These are mostly shot at ISO 3200, out of necessity, and are SOOC Jpegs.  Shot in Jpeg.

Just put here as a real world thing.  Take em or leave em.


  1. seems to be a lot of vertical banding in a few of those...

    but looking good anyway ;-)

  2. I have found that the V1 is just plain fun to shoot, and a lot of that has to do with the high ISO performance and the silent shutter. I was shooting the grandkids in the house yesterday up close and personal and they didn't even blink. I do shoot in RAW and run them through Lightroom, though generally I don't need to do that much to them.

  3. I don't see the vertical banding. I see screens on the stage that have their own vertical designs on them. Sorry, not buying the banding. Noise? Yes.

  4. 3200....that's amazing.

    Once they have some fast glass, it'll be quite the tool.

    I'm impressed Kirk.

  5. it sure is a very good camera - and that lens is good! - until Nikon releases some great primes, then it will probably be a great camera.

    the only reason i sold mine was not to get dragged into yet another system - i would probably not have been able to stop at 2-3 lenses, so i decided to avoid the hemorrhage altogether :-)

  6. Dear Kirk a lot of post and the only interesting photograph your little boy in black and white and a few other.

  7. Hugo, I don't even know what that means. Or why you feel compelled to say it.

  8. Amazing performance by the little camera (and the photographer of course)

  9. Very impressive. I've been using various M4/3s since the original G1 and couldn't be happier. I've made some impressive 13x19 prints. Most importantly small cameras have brought back "fun" to my photography and for me, that's what it's all about.


  10. Kirk,

    every time you post about the V1, my wallet feels a little lighter. :)

    Hugo, there are only about 10 million other photo sites on the web it you don't like this one.

  11. Rob tu blog solo tiene fotografias y el de Kirk fotografias y palabras que forman opiniones esa es la diferencia.

  12. It is simply incredible that a camera can take photos this good at ISO 320, how long ago was it that Tri X 400 was the fast film?

    Dennis Elam

  13. "seems to be a lot of vertical banding in a few of those...

    but looking good anyway ;-)"

    Kirk It was a joke! I should have put the ;-) after the fist line.
    They are great!

  14. Love your site, the photos as well as the stories. This one, is surprising. Specially since you only have the slow kit lens to shoot with. I used to shoot theatre w/ Tri-X. It is amazing how far digital technology has developed in such a short time.

  15. Interesting. That camera is certainly capable of being 'stretched' quite a bit!

    That musical looks interesting, as well!

  16. Hey Kirk, these pictures look great. I, as well, own a V1 and I was wondering what your opinion would be on shooting pictures in club atmospheres with this camera? Do you think it'll do good without flash or would it be needed in such dark places?

    I haven't messed with any of the settings and I'm not sure what would be the best settings for certain situations. So this, is why I ask you lol any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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