The Good Stuff.


Roman Food. Roman Chef.

     The morning market at the Campo di Fiori, Rome, Italy.  

The man in the image above was/is one of the partners who owned a wonderful, little restaurant in Rome called, al Grappolo d' Oro.  If rumor is to be believed, it was at a table there that the famous song, "Volare" was written.  I was led to the restaurant on the recommendation of a native Roman back in 1985 or 1986 and I've returned for a meal on every trip since.  When my friend, Paul, and I shot in Rome in 1995 we ate there twice in one week. And that's says volumes in a "food city" like Rome.   I haven't been in a few years so I can't vouch for much now but I will always remember how fun it was to watch Carlo arrive at the Campo di Fiori market one day and carefully hand select the produce his restaurant would serve later that day.

He was, of course, a regular of the market and knew everyone there by name.

I was walking around the small piazzo with a Mamiya Six in hand.  I recognized him from one of my recent visits to his restaurant.  I took two frames and then walked off to see new things.  I ate at his restaurant again that night.

Walking through the markets in old towns is really nice.  There's a comfortable rhythm that feels organic and right.  The good ones dispay food with style but without too much flash.  I'm hungry.  I think I'll wander into the house and see what's for dinner.

These are medium format color negatives that were scanned at low res with an Epson V500 Photo.  With a little practice it does a good job with color negatives and even black and white negatives.  The images were taken with a Mamiya Six medium format camera and its normal, 75mm lens.  The images are nothing special to anyone but me.  I remember now the cool breeze of a cloudy day, the smell of the fresh fish and the vivid red of the strawberries like the day I took the images.


  1. Wonderful story & images - thanks for sharing those!

  2. Love the photo and memories it brings back! Next time try L'Orso 80. Goethe ate there: is that recommendation enough?

  3. I hear they changed the chef from when Goethe last visited;)

  4. Is it my imagination or is the colour and tonality in these two shots particularly lovely: possibly it's just the soft light - but sometimes I think film was more subtle than digital (though of course the conversion is under your control. Lovely evocative images as well.

  5. Paul, now I have to clean my keyboard :-)

  6. Oh good, I always forget how beautiful the place is.
    Well, I must wait the cold to end and then jump on the train.
    (I have other favourite eateries there, though).

  7. The colours are particularly beautiful. what film is this?

  8. Kirk - I'm curious to hear your thoughts about the Epson v500 (or v600). I've taken the plunge into developing my own black and white film, but I don't have a scanner capable of scanning negatives or slides. Practically speaking, I think it would be great if I could create impressive 8x10 or 11x14 prints without dropping a ton of coin on a scanner. Thanks!


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