The Good Stuff.


The book is landing.

I have one copy.  I like it.  Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the your neighborhood camera stores should be getting theirs any day now.  Kind of amazing but the whole project stayed ahead of schedule.  And the book looks great.

Things change in the time between writing the books and having them come off the trucks.  I'll update info as necessary here on the VSL blog.  Not too much has changed in the overall market.  But we'll talk about it.

The effects of my illness seem to be fading.  As does my hazy fog of pessimism.  Now I need to have a conference with the interloper, Martini.  What was he thinking?  Was he thinking?  It's all a mystery to me.


  1. Cool! I pre-ordered mine months ago. Can't wait to see it. Congrats!

  2. Gregg, I spoke with the publisher a short while ago and they indicated that Amazon should get books in any day now. I'd expect we'll all be seeing our pre-orders (myself included) in just under a week. And what an amazingly low price.

    Hope you like it!

  3. Yay! I pre-orderd from Amazon so I'll be watching for it.

  4. Cover looks fantastic! I'll need you to sign my copy when we bump lenses in the future. Congratulations, Kirk!

  5. I'm really excited about this one! You convinced me to try one of the 160 LED lights and I can already see the appeal. It's totally painless to set up and that makes it a lot of fun to use. I plan on getting another and maybe a 500 LED panel, but even the 160 could light a tight portrait with a shoot-through and a fast lens if I really wanted. Cool stuff. Thanks a lot!

  6. Hmmm - Amazon over here in .DE says May 10th. They must be sailing it over here, without any winds blowing... but thanks for the reminder, I'll put it onto my wishlist.

  7. Sweet, I also pre-ordered mine months ago so excited it will be shipping soon.

  8. I know the rule is to be nice, and I'm being nice, particularly since this is purely a matter of personal opinion. But oh -- that black shadow under the poor model's nose really bothers me, drawing my eye directly to that spot.

  9. Scott, I'm sure it will all work out just fine.


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