The Good Stuff.


An interesting portrait starts with the eyes.

I went for a walk and ended up on Congress Ave.  I saw this small boy sitting in a milk crate attached to his dad's bike.  I stopped to photograph the little guy.  Of course I asked his father's permission first.  Why make people uncomfortable?  He looked right into my camera.  I like the image a lot.

I was using a Panasonic GH2 with the Olympus 45mm 1.8 lens attached.  I have no idea what the exposure was and I used face detection auto focus to get place focus.  The original was a Raw file but it needed no intervention so I guess a Jpeg would have been just as good.

Two snaps and we were done.  Love the yellow sunglasses.


  1. A shame it was made with an obsolete camera. Coulda been a contender.

  2. Just glad I was able to use an EVF camera. Can you imagine how hard this would have been to capture with an OVF ???

  3. The light in his eyes makes the photo, and the yellow sunglasses add "something different". Bravo, I like this. I do not own yet a m4/3 camera but this lens seems interesting, very interesting...


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