The Good Stuff.


The LED Lighting book finally arrives in the Kindle format. Thank Goodness!!!

After months of waiting my fifth book, LED Lighting: Professional Techniques for Digital Photographers, is now available as a Kindle Book on Amazon. The price of the Kindle Edition is around $15. I don't know what took Amazon so long to get this one out but I wanted the large group of people who've e-mailed, asking me to hurry up the process, to know that it's here, available now.  I'm just in the process of downloading it myself. 

FYI:  Some of my readers who use iPads were unaware that you can download a Kindle app from the App Store for free and it will allow you to buy Kindle books and read them on your iPad.  It works just as well as reading them on the new color Kindles with the added advantage of a bigger screen and a much faster system and processor.

Please buy a copy of the LED book and help support the Visual Science Lab blog!  


  1. Any plans on the iBooks version? The rest of your books are available there. I'd prefer not to buy Kindle.

  2. Charles, I assume that if the rest of the books are there the LED book will follow shortly. Since the both come from (I think) the same basic ePub file what's your reason for not just buying the Kindle version? I'm betting the price might even be lower. But I don't know. These are all reasons why I have a publisher. I hate the detail stuff that's outside Photography....

  3. One copy orderd...

  4. Thanks, so much. I resisted emailing you directly because I knew that IDG (Amherst's parent) and Amazon were having a bit of a tiff (the imbroglio not the file type, h/t Neil van Niekerk). Just one-clicked it and now I've got all 5 KindleKirks!

  5. I'm about 2/5's through, and while the content is great, the Kindle formatting - at least on the Kindle iPad app - is atrocious. Specifically there's a lot of bolded text. Any chance for a formatting update?

    1. See my post from 8/8. The new format is up. Trash the old one and download the new one. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. Is there any other way to order this book? Please suggest!

    1. You can buy the paper back book at any of the major book dealers: Barnes and Noble, etc. You can buy it directly from the publisher's website: and I'm thinking the publisher could probably give you a list of all the outlets that will stock the downloadable e-book version.

      You can buy a paperback version from me for $34.95+shipping and I'll sign it.

    2. Thank you kirk tuck for your reference. I am trying to contact to the publisher directly.


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