The Good Stuff.


A little ambiguity is bad for your anxiety but may be just what some photographs crave.

I photographed Jana downtown. It was a hot, clear day. The kind that makes your eyes see into the colors and the details of everything. We didn't talk much but we did create the outline of a little story and I just followed her around and documented our "story."  It seemed a fun thing to do on a Sunday afternoon.

I hope no one has decided to spend their Sundays indoors with the TV on and some sports team running back and forth on the screen, in between commercials for beer and Viagra. There's so much fun to be had outside. Camera in hand.

The Canon 85mm 1.8 seems to have "Modigliani" bokeh in the background. Look at the way the two people on the right side of the frame make hemispherical slices off into nothingness.


  1. Got some photography in earlier (big white puffy clouds, couldn't help myself). Now some relaxation, then some scanning/editing later.

    Had someone pull out of a photo presentation I was hosting during the week because it clashed with the first game of the season. Really.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Try again... I was outside but I pruned trees and weeded flower beds. Photography would have been more fun. One of these days I need to learn to proofread before hitting send. :-)

  4. My wife and I spent the beautiful morning together, and I was able to take a photo in which the scenery (coupled with the nice white dress she was wearing) looked like we were on a tropical vacation. Except that we were in Houston. Beautiful weekend indeed, and although I am a football fan (Go Texans!), I wasn't going to spend it indoors.

  5. We took our son for a stroll on the National Mall this morning. He really enjoys the outdoors, and camera was in hand of course. But if the Ravens were playing today, I would have probably stayed in for that :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What I really meant to say is, "What a wonderful morning." The Ravens thing threw me. Can't understand the fascination with Baseball....

  6. I was outside this afternoon, mowing the lawn. Just as I was about to prune the Turk's Cap bush in the backyard, my wife suggested that we take Opie (our WonderPoodle) to the Texas City Dike--the world's longest man-made fishing pier. It really just protects the harbor from rough weather, but people fish on each side, five miles out and back making it "Ten Miles of Fun!" The light was beautiful, the air was clear, the birds were feeding, the dolphins were playing, the Nikon was working. Who needs football? Besides, NASCAR raced last night!

  7. I spent Saturday morning putting my recently-repaired Rolleiflex through its paces at a parade then helped shoot a wedding that afternoon/evening. I was able to muster the energy on Sunday to walk my dog to the park and go for a short hike.


  8. As an aside the "Modigliani" bokeh has become a trope on UK TV particularly in science documentaries. An easy way to render people into moving aliens with no special effects budget for setting a scene. It seems very wide apertures (and razor thin DOF) has become de riguer in UK documentary (and drama) circles. It can be overdone.

  9. There is joy in ambiguity. - Jay Maisel


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