The Good Stuff.


Michael Reichmann has written a first review of the Sony a99.

It's a good read for anyone interested in Sony's new, FF, DSLT flagship still camera. He likes nearly everything about the camera except------------the inclusion of the electronic viewfinder instead of an optical viewfinder. I'm holding back my opinion until I handle a Sony a99 in the flesh. We'll see....


  1. Pssst ... Kirk! ... You got Michael's name wrong in the title.

    1. OMG !!!! Thanks. That could have been embarrassing.... (fixed?)

    2. No, I see Micheal instead of Michael and also his last name is Reichmann ( two n's at the end).

    3. Still not fixed... (9am CST 10-11)

    4. Finally fixed. Kirk must be busy...

  2. Maybe it's because I've had limited experience with an OVF but I'm partial to the EVF on my a77. I use a Nikon d90 at work when it's free the d800, and of all the features and benefits of those camera's the OVF is the last thing I think about.
    I'm thinking for the same reason I'm partial to the EVF Michael is partial to the OVF. Less of an objective preference though valid points are raised, but more of a subjective preference based on experience with and time spent getting used to an OVF.

  3. Waiting for Kirk's take on EVF in FF camera debate.

  4. In my opinion, EVF's are amazing because of the pre-chimping capability. However, they can be kind of off putting when shooting with strobes, particularly on location. I've shot with my Fuji x100 using the EVF, and while it's great for dialing in the background exposure, in many cases, the subject is shown in the EVF as a silhouette - terrible for timing.

  5. I've followed Lu-La and MR much longer than VSL, and respect his views - full-frame optical v EVF is difficult. But I have to say that I probably prefer the A77 EVF (and E-P5) to the A900 optical one. This is partly because of my eyesight and the type of 'images I capture' (ie snaps I take), quite a lot are relatively close, so manual focus is needed, and manual focus is just so much easier with magnification on EVF, not to mention peaking. But the colour accuracy of the optical finder, and the fact that it is always on, is a big advantage for landscape and other situations. So I'm on the fence!

  6. As a hobby guy the new slate of $3,000 FF gunships seem like overkill and the argument on the OVF versus EVF a mute point. For my money the previous generation of 5D MK2 or D700 offer plenty of capabilities and a full frame OVF experience. I've shot with the EP1/EP2/GH1/GH2 and I get it, but the counterpoint on the TVish quality isn't lost on me. The only time I wish for an EVF is when I'm shooting video, and then its worth its weight in gold. A more interesting debate is in whether there is sufficient value in the new offerings as they venture into megapixel hyperspace and diffraction at modest apertures. In today's economy I really wonder if the bang for the wannabe photographer buck is there.

  7. i used to read MR. The lapses about the Leica M8 and the magenta thing, experienced for self..has left a very sour taste. Sure he gets invited to Leica whatever..
    To me the EVF which will come is another crummy way of fixing a thing that worked perfectly, especially if one used a Nikon pro camera with 100% viewfinder. SLR and DSLR without stop down set, lenses without f-stop settings, all making the tools into toys. Folks with Leica like me, only can imagine whats on the film..
    Thankfully for most pros and dedicated amateurs with larger and larger wallets there is the "Green" setting. No think, no need to know anything and fix it in some photoshop.. some wrecks are not salvageable..

  8. New Zealand landscape shooter Tony Bridge is definitely not with MR on the EVF and is delighted with the A99 he was able to check out recently for three days.

    I was a died in the wall optical finder type myself but no more. Adapting other, manual focus, lenses to EVF cameras is more than reason enough for me to have made the switch and I can't imagine going back.

  9. I've asked this before and been trying to research to no avail. Does the A77 or A99 offer the ability to shoot silently? I am a Nikon shooter and am quite happy with my D3S and D800 as my day to day work cameras(as well as significant benefits from NPS). The one feature that would have the potential to shift me is the ability to shoot silently, with an electronic shutter, as I can with my Nikon V1. Can the Sony's do this where the mirror is not moving?



    1. No. They still make noise. With electronic first curtain implemented, not so much. But yes, they still make noise.

    2. what is the technology barrier for this at this point? what is it about the V1 that allows for this silent shooting capability? does the nex 7 have the ability to shoot silently?



  10. I've been contemplating moving my system over to Sony for this camera -- but lack of uber-close macros (4 to 5:1) is keeping me away for now.

  11. nice and helpful Review i like it a lot have a look at this review that i made about Sony RX100 Digicam


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