The Good Stuff.


Yes Virginia, there can be such a thing as too little depth of field.

Untitled Photo #2

Contax RTS3. 85mm 1.4 Carl Zeiss lens.



  1. Yes sometimes, I once made a self portrait, but alas shot close to wide open on 4x5.

    one eye in focus,.. the other.. out..

  2. This image reminds me of some portraits I've seen from the 1920's. Perhaps not technically correct but it still works on some level.

  3. Beautiful dreaming atmosphere...

  4. Kind of like it- with the mouth ajar it feels more dynamic than a lot of portraits...

  5. Kirk your sense of humor is one of the reasons I continue to read VSL (sort of the way we describe southwestern heat "yes but its a dry humor"). I can visualize Internet pundits arguing like Hatfields & McCoys over why f/1.2 on a full frame is the "artsy" way to shoot wedding portraits "hey... the eye lash is CLEARLY in focus".

  6. Brilliant shot. Misleading title. It's a wonderful, intimate portrait.

  7. Yes Virginia, there is front focus ;-)


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