The Good Stuff.


My 500px portfolios now have huge, dynamically resizing image...thanks to ATMTX.

May be all the website I ever really need...  We'll see.

edit: Don't blame ATMTX for my bad editing (duplicate images) he just let me know what could be done with the tools at hand. To see a really great implementation you need to see what he's done with his new membership at 500px:

Pretty damn nice, I'd say.


  1. I like the presentation, but is there a way to see thumbnails? It seems like all it can do is show full-screen images.

    1. Good looking gallery, but for me, lack of thumbnails is a problem. Is there any way for ATMTX to give you both.?


  2. Nice layout, but the images look bitmapped to me. Is that a browser issue?

  3. Too bad the top of each image is cover by the navigation bar.

  4. very nice. so what's the secret to achieving this look 'with the tools at hand' on the 500px site?

  5. oh, it's the 'filled theme'. got it now.

  6. Looks very good to me, though I might reduce the number of repeats towards the end (then again, this is more for potential clients rather than general photo-viewers like me, so it likely does not matter since they will click on the section that interests them).

  7. Not familiar with 500px. What level membership is this? And is this a stock feature or a customized one? I love the layout and I'm looking for a clean simple way to share portfolios...

    1. It's $50 a year, this is a stock layout and you can create a number of different portfolios. I use it to build quick galleries of final images to share. It's an adjunct to my regular website.


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