The Good Stuff.


Yet another celebration...

Just sending the hard working staff and the visionary executive leadership team (ELT), as well as the august and mighty board of directors of the VISUAL SCIENCE LAB, an assortment of flowers to celebrate the 12,000,000th pageview of the Visual Science Lab Blog.

Thank you for joining us!


  1. Congratulations, I know you dont do it for the praise but you are a very freaking good writer.

  2. Congratulations indeed! you are inspiring, entertaining and permanently bookmarked reading for me!

  3. What a great milestone. Congratulations!

  4. Congrats Kirk. It just proves that in the Internet land of a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters there is still value in someone of character producing great content. More importantly your flower shots were wonderful and gave a guy living in a frozen fly over state some morning inspiration.

  5. Great achievement - thanks for all the thoughtful, thought-provoking and motivating material on your site.


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