The Good Stuff.


A spot on critique.

I loved everything in this blog and wanted to share it with you. We're (pretty much) all guilty of the same things.... at least I know I am...


  1. Sonnofa.....I read reviews before and after I've gotten the camera...I'm part Charlie. Why do I do that...

    1. It's okay David. Most of us are in the same boat.

    2. Reading reviews after you have gotten the camera is to reassure yourself that you have made the "right" choice. Post purchase review reading mainly consists of reading the good points, and ignoring the bad points. It is our continued lack of self-confidence rearing it's ugly head and distracting us from more important matters.

      In my experience everybody does it, unless they very consciously put effort into resisting it.

  2. Please...find a way to put this on Google+ so that it goes to everyone (except my daughter and Jane Goodall) who has ever posted a photo there.

  3. Thanks for the link over Kirk!

  4. Sigh. I resemble those remarks, too frequently.

  5. I'm guilty as charged, on all counts.

  6. I just loved this sentence

    "Yes, the bokeh is scrumptious and creamy, but this is supposed to be a photograph not bloody creme brulee."


  7. I'd add "There are no large prints of your photographs at home." After 30+ years of taking photos I've only had two 8x10's done. I'm having some old slides and recent digital photos done in 11x14 & will see if they are worthwhile for larger.


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