The Good Stuff.


New Toys Seem to Be Arriving Weekly.

Samsung 30mm f2 for NX. Nice.

I got a lens in the Fed Ex delivery today. It kinda makes up for having to miss my first big photography junket. A bit. The folks at Samsung invited me to San Francisco for the roll out of the new super wi-fi camera in July. Four days of fun and rubbing shoulders with photographers from all over the world, and all expenses paid, but I had to decline. My kid is getting his wisdom teeth out right in the middle of the event dates and I promised I'd be here to help out. You can never make promises to your kid(s) and not honor them when absolutely possible. It's a firm rule in our house.


The whole month of July is a scheduling nightmare anyway since I'll need to be in Denver, CO. from the 10th through the 15th to do a video taping for a series of courses I'm presenting. I'm always nervous being away from the studio for too long because I want to be accessible to clients but I should get over that and realize that with a smartphone and a laptop I can be accessible anywhere these days.

At any rate getting a cool, little lens feels great on a hot, sleepy day. The lens they sent along is a 30mm f2 lens for the Samsung NX camera. I pulled it out of the box and took it with me when I went to photograph a radiologist on location this afternoon. I used a Sony a57 to photograph him, along with several flashes and a big, old Balcar Zebra umbrella but on the way home I dropped by Barton Springs Pool to take a few snaps with the little combo. I haven't pulled them out of the camera and put them on the computer yet but just to prove I could do so I figured out how to transfer files from the camera to my iPhone. Not sure it's something I need but I felt good getting it figured out.

It's up in the hundreds here now and the heat feels like it's sinking into everything. Hope you are staying cool wherever you are. One note, don't complain to me again about there being too many posts. That's just B.S. and I don't want to read it. If you read slowly or only have extremely limited access to the web you might want to marshall your resources and spend your time somewhere else. You should know the ground rules by now. I write what I want to write and I post it when I want to post it. It's up to you to keep up or ignore it.


  1. You actually get complaints about posting too much? Seriously? Wow. That's lame.

    Transferring images FROM your camera TO your phone... interesting. What's the motivation to do that? Is the phone's 4" LCD that much better for viewing than the camera's 3.3" screen?

    The temperatures you're experiencing are the #1 reason I wouldn't want to live in Texas, which in some ways is a very nice state (well, at least parts of it -- keep Austin weird!). I've been in Dallas in the summer when it was 110 degrees F (and humid!), and in the winter when it was -5 F. As a native of the generally mild California coast, I can't handle such a wide range of temperatures. It's in the low 80's in my area today -- a little warmer than I would prefer, but not too bad.

    1. A lot of cameras are starting to come with built in wi-fi capability. The transfer to a phone allows you to send the image to wherever in areas where there is no Wi-Fi. With 20 megapixel files it's not a fast process.... You'll soon also be able to run the app on pads and PCs and then you'll have (slow) wireless tethering.

    2. I think that iPad or any tablet is pretty good device to review pics.. Just saying. If Im correct it isnt limited to phones.

  2. That's my favorite lens for more then a year now. I think you'll like it.

  3. I think Samsung's NX system has finally arrived. I think people who complain about Kirk posting too much need to get a life. And this is from somone who hates to begin sentences with "I think."

  4. Tell you son to have his wisdom teeth out now. I waited until I was 35. I had seven (yes, seven; four that came through completely, and three more buds). I was heavily sedated, and out for a full day due to the anesthesia. I had dry sockets for nearly two weeks. At his age he'll be a lot more resilient and he'll bounce back a lot quicker than I did, I can assure him and you. After the incisions heal you son will find that brushing around the back is a lot easier.

    1. Bill, it's not up for debate. His dentist wants them out and the oral surgeon agrees. It will be a short break in cross country running but better now than in the middle of the Fall season. He's in great shape, he'll bounce back quickly.

  5. +1 @Bill^
    Got mine out at 50. Do not try this. My dentist prefaced his remarks with "folks at your age..." My age? Has it come to that?

    1. As I understand it eventually the wisdom tooth roots can become entangled with some of the nerves that deal with touch and feel on one's face. Best to do it before they get intertwined.

  6. The 30mm f2 is a lovely lens. The new Galaxy wi-fi intrigues, it's got a built in viewfinder.

    Weird that people should complain too many posts. Is that like breathing too much?

  7. Love your attitude towards the internet trolls. Too bad they have to be told.

    I agree with you on wi-fi, nice to have but mine (Nex-6) is not used much.

  8. I use an Eye-Fi card in my OMD sometimes to send photos to my phone. I shoot RAW and jpg. The jpg goes to the phone, maybe through Snapseed, then gets emailed to FB for fun sometimes.

  9. Very nice lens for NX system (well they have mostly nice lens anyway). I hope they send you tested sample with good centering. :D (it unfortunately happens that Samsung lens sometimes suffer from decentering, 30/2 is bit more rare in this but it happens .. tho obviously Samsung isnt only one with this issue).


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