The Good Stuff.


This blog post under construction. I like the image but I'm not sure what I want to say...


  1. Seems to me the image speaks for itself. Nothing more need be said.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. She is a beauty. And that's a beautiful image, I love the light, the pose, the framing. I would still like to read what you have or want to say, but take your time!

  4. I love how taste plays such a huge part in our perception of beauty. She is an attractive woman, but doesn't inspire me... Which is okay, like the great painters of the past, an artists taste is as important as their technique.

    What I love in this picture is the dimension, your lighting has very gently brought out her face shape, which is quite angular, but you have softened it without disguising it.


  5. Say what? How about bloggorhea? I mean, three posts in a one-hour span.

    1. Tom, there is no test. No final exam. You only need to read what you want. I don't think or write on a "factory" or "cubicle" schedule so you get it pushed out when I want it. Not on a TV guide agenda.

  6. Hands down down one of your best portraits!
    No explaining necessary.

  7. It looks to me like she also isn't sure. Perhaps a philosophical question?

    1. PS I realy realy like this one. It makes me want to get in on the conversation.

  8. What are you thinking....nothing... What are you thinking... Nothing, I'm just enjoying sitting with you.. Me too.

  9. Kirk, I think these portraits of Dani are fantastic. I love reading what you write, but this type of portrait is the icing on the cake. love the expressions. You said something before about not asking for/wanting sitters to smile all the time. I like that. makes for some interesting expressions.

    A day after seeing these posts I was searching your site to read about the E-P3 and VF-2 and ran across the post where you met Dani. Kind of a funny coincidence.

    Thanks for the blog!


  10. The photo is really perfect. I love the colors and how the new technology made you a great photographer. Your talent is really impressive.


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