The Good Stuff.


I wanted to do one of those unboxing videos for the Samsung Galaxy NX but....

.....mine came today without a box.  I'm getting up to speed on the menus and whatnot so I can shoot fun stuff on my trip to Berlin.


The camera is much smaller than it looks in most of the product photos.

The rear screen is beautiful. Big and sharp and exciting to compose on. Perfect for studio work.

It's thinner and lighter than I thought it would be.

I've already signed up for my free 50 gigabytes of Drop Box storage that comes with the camera. I'll have that filled up in a month or so......

The lack of buttons and dials is frightening at first. Then, over time, less so.

I took it along with me to lunch at Whole Foods today. Paul and Chris liked the rear display but dismissed the camera out of hand. I expected no less from two very serious shooters who are: over 35 years old, shoot with medium format digital cameras such as the Leica S2 and who are not at all into cellphone tech.

How do I like it? I don't know yet. I haven't had time to walk around and shoot with it. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Final observation: I've been messing around with the menus and the Android apps since around 11 am today. That's twelve hours. I still haven't run down the first battery. Not even close.

I'm looking forward to shooting all around Berlin. I'll try to do daily updates with photos and small observations.


  1. Looking forward to hearing your comments. I hate Android (with a passion) but I do use it (tablet and smartphone, still using good old Mac computers and never intend to switch, there). I think I would be traumatized by the lack of buttons at first, but as you note it's probably a matter of habit. I thought I'd never use the touch interface on the GX-1 and ended up relying heavily on it *because it was brilliantly implemented on it*. Keep the comments going !

    1. I had never used any Android products before but I'm finding it very easy to navigate. It's all pretty logical. I never thought I'd use a touch screen until I started to use a touch screen. So many of our gear prejudices are built around habit. Sometimes it can be jarring to change but sometimes jarring change changes my point of view.

  2. I feel deeply offended by the attitude of your friends. I assure you that not all the medium-format shooters are so short-sighted or luddites...
    Jokes apart, it is a too common modern attitude discard something without even trying it because "everybody knows that..."
    Hope to read soon your review of the camera!

    1. I wouldn't call Chris or Paul Luddites. They both are very, very technically savvy. It's just that they are operating in a gear plane that's about five notches above where we are with our 35mm style digital cameras. I've compared files and while the stuff from the Nikon D800 is nice, as are most top of the line consumer cameras, they don't hold a candle to the really good digital stuff. And there's something sweet about a handful of $7,000 lenses that we seem to be missing with our $500 super zooms...

    2. Just joking as I said, and serious part of comment was aimed generally to preconceptions that limit us...

  3. How is your first impression of the EVF, and how it operates on that camera?

    1. The EVF is good. It's competitive with the VF-2's I've used and the Sony a77's. I'll need more time with it to really see how it does in all kinds of light levels. I have a call with the Samsung Tech people this morning to go over the camera. My main question is how to turn off the back screen entirely for those times when I'm shooting dress rehearsals in a dark theatre.

  4. I noticed on the specs that it has a 4300mAh battery, versus 1200 mAh for my OMD battery, or 1650 mAh for the Sony A77. Samsung did their homework on that one!

  5. I am glad you didn't do an "unboxing video". Those things are silly anyway.

    1. Agreed - I hate it when someone puts up a 'first look' video and it is literally a look at it after opening the box!

    2. Jim and Brad, I guess I need to start including "tongue-in-cheek" alerts to my more literal readers....

  6. I saw a comment that the EVF is almost superfluous, because the lack of buttons means one has to take the eye away from the EVF and use the screen for every little adjustment. Hence screen mode becomes default. I will be keen to read how this issue works out for you Kirk.

    1. Arg, Just bullshit from someone who's never handled the camera. One push of the dial brings up aperture or shutter speed, ISO, WB, or Exp. Comp in the finder and you can keep your eye there to adjust. No problems. I tried it today and it's working out fine for me. Always good to go right to the source.... i.e. Someone who has the camera in hand, to get your info.

    2. You can also use the I-Function control on lenses so equipped to get the same controls...

  7. Did you try geo-tagging your images yet? I was pulling my hair out of frustration when I could not get the geo-tagging function to work despite having turned it on until I found out by chance that this camera would not geo-tag any image shot in RAW or RAW+jpeg mode, and works only in jpeg mode. And I bought this camera because I wanted to shoot in RAW mode ! I certainly hope that this is just a bug and would be fixed during later firmware upgrades.


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