The Good Stuff.


Finally. FINALLY!!! Four of my five books about photography are back in stock at Amazon.

While the end of 2013 was fun and calm and happy for the most part for me there was one little burr under my saddle. One scorpion in my cowboy boot. One little rattlesnake hiding on the floorboard of the pickup. Three of my best selling actual, printed on paper (soon to be collector's items?) books were out of stock at for the entire month of January. I thought it would get resolved quickly as in: more books printed. more books delivered by the distributor. more proactive retail braininess on everyone's part. But I watched America's most potent buying season fade, watched the Christmas trees get recycled and watched the Valentine's Day adds crop up in the stores and coffee shops and the website still showed:  "Brilliant. In high demand. But unavailable at this time."

So much for my careful financial planning and my resolve to be able to buy new track shoes for the boy this quarter....

But now, like a Super Bowl Miracle, four of my five books are back in stock (although in limited supplies).  If you didn't get one from the holidays and it's been driving you crazy then now is the time to rush to your keyboard and place your order. Maybe next quarter will be the time Ben will have more shoes....

Seriously though. I like to think that there's a lot more information and examples in each of the books than you'll ever get in one day long workshop and the price of the books is about what you'd budget for coffee en route to a workshop and happy hour afterwards. Each of them is under $25.

Please go and buy a book today. Even if it's nothing more than a souvenir of our time together here at the blog.  Thank You!

If there's a special camera you need to buy on Amazon you can use one of the links above to get to Amazon, navigate to your much needed camera purchase and VSL will earn a small commission directly from Amazon at no cost to your, your loved ones or your heirs. Thanks!


  1. I've got your book on LED lighting. I've been meaning to start using artificial light for my photography but haven't been really sure how to jump in. I hope this book will give me an idea of where to start. Thanks! J in New Orleans

  2. I have them all, and can recommend them all as well. Good to know that one day they'll be collectors' items ;-)

  3. I never buy printed books anymore as they just sit and gather dust. But I will certainly buy the Kindle Editions.

  4. Great books! I have three of them, and as a full blown amateur hobbyist (know-nothing) they were so informative and fun to read.

  5. Rexdeaver, Always happy to hear that Kindle versions are selling too.


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