The Good Stuff.


17,034,000. And counting.

I was too busy to notice but several days ago the blog (Visual Science Lab: Kirk Tuck) crested the seventeen million page view mark. Much writing but even more reading. I'd love to hear you check in and tell me if I'm still doing a good job. 

I'll take some criticism too but don't cross that line.......

Seriously, thanks for reading.


  1. Not sure if more pleasure looking at your photo or reading your text! I think both are very good, interesting and sometimes provocative enough to let me think. Grazie

  2. I very much enjoy your posts and essays Kirk. I learn much, agree mostly and sometimes, just sometimes, think you're an idiot. However, those times are mercifully very rare and I keep coming back for more! Keep up doing what you're doing and don't change it... Thank you.

  3. Heck yeah -- been reading for a month or so, and love the perspective on what it take to do this professionally, day in and day out.

    Keep them coming!

  4. Absolutely -- I love the perspective on what it takes to do this professionally, day in and day out, and not compromise your chosen aesthetic.

  5. I am really enjoying hearing about your new venture into video - keep it coming!

    After following this blog for several years, I eagerly look forward to each profound entry.

  6. Definitely hitting the mark. Keep going.

  7. You are doing a good job...

    but since you are a Scorpio you don't really want to hear that...

    so, you ignore the praise,

    and focus on the negativity,

    at the same time - being a obstinate control freak

    you ignore that as well ...

    anyway, I'm going to tell you

    you are doing a great job ..

  8. You are doin enjoyable, readable, reflective articles :-)

  9. I enjoy reading your site and looking at the pictures. Glad you are doing well with the business side too. I don't think Getty's lowest common denominator scatter gun approach will fare as well.

  10. Hello, I read to you regularly since a few months now. I am a photographer in France. What I appreciate here, it is the freedom of expression without waffle on technical subjects, of real experiences and often on deep sentiments of the human being in front of our profession or passion.
    To follow without moderation.

  11. Thanks to all. I like writing the blog because of the amazing diversity it brings to me. Readers from everywhere and 180 degrees of perspective. Just right.

  12. I check this blog many times a week. I skip the technical post but enjoy the other ones.

    Keep the good job.


  13. Keep doing what you're doing Kirk. I never miss a post. Thanks for all the energy you put into this blog too.

  14. Kirk your blog is compulsory reading for me, my usual reading pattern is emails, news, weather, VSL blog, G+ posts, everything else.
    Invariably your blog makes me think about the photos I take, how I take them and acts as a counter to my gear addiction, don't stop.


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