The Good Stuff.


A quiet portrait in an elegant office.

Shot on assignment for Primary Packaging in NYC. Simple, single source lighting. Tri-X film. Simple design. The post production was all done in the printing. Agfa Portriga paper, selenium toned. The 16x20 inch print is so pretty, as an object, that it brings tears to my eyes. 


  1. That's a wonderful portrait - do you ever shoot film commercially anymore? (you should)


  2. I loved both paper and film, this proves what I have always maintained simple is best.

    I had some beautiful bromide from france just prior to opting for photoshop instead of the darkroom, it was lush,can't for the life of me remeber its name, I still fetch out the prints as you do and gaze at that gorgeous range of tones and sumptuous feel.

  3. Love the look and tone of this shot.

  4. Question: the framing is unusual, with the subject on the right yet with his body facing out of the frame. Yet it works. Why?

  5. Wonderful portrait, and the whole series was great! I remember you posted it before...


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