The Good Stuff.


Brick Wall with Windows.

 Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 2014

Lots of changes coming up. On Monday (10/27) I turn one year older. I'm setting goals for the year: Swim better, swim faster. Shoot tons more photographs. Write the next book. Make more portraits. Meet more and more interesting people. Socialize more. Use smaller cameras. Make more friends. Play more. Share more. Blog more.

If you can help me with any of these goals jump in and let me know.

Tech notes: Taken after drinking Brazilian Santos coffee. Panasonic GH4. 12-35mm. Ektachrome.


  1. Ektachrome - ?? - how so?

  2. how about underwater camera housing WHILE swimming... 2 birds, 1 camera...

  3. Your list includes lots of "more" items. To succeed, you will need to accompany this with one or more corresponding "less" items, or you will implode from anxiety and exhaustion. You naturally have more energy and focus than most people, Kirk, but there's a limit.

  4. The symmetry, geometry and the colours make me want to linger here.
    Brazilian Santos coffee, a GH4 and a photographer "in the zone"...nice moment : )

    Best wishes

  5. Kirk,
    Happy birthday from another 10-27 BD person. This will be 3/4 century mark; and I like you intend to photograph more, enjoy life, family, friends, and getting out and about as long as I am able.
    Make this year the best one yet.

  6. I processed this image in a way that reminds me of Ektachrome film.

  7. My anniversary is the 27th. I kind of went smaller. Moved to a rangefinder and two lenses.

  8. Happy Birthday, Kirk. Let's have lunch.

  9. Happy birthday in advance, Kirk. I'm slightly older than you, but don't feel old inside (more like about 30), as I suspect you do. The only shock I get is when I look in the mirror. Where did all that white stuff come from! All the best from the UK and please keep writing the blog.


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