The Good Stuff.


Hanging out with the smart people.

The I.T. Center Lobby at the University of Texas at Austin.

 The reception area in the Student Services building at Brandeis University.

I like visiting colleges. I taught for a while at the University of Texas at Austin and I also hang out over at Austin Community College when I go see my buddy, Bill. He's the chair of the Photography Department there. Sometimes he invites me over to talk to the students.  The nicer colleges invest a lot of money for places to sit down and swill coffee. That appeals to me. Sitting, drinking coffee and reading. Nice work if you can get it...

If you work somewhere and the coffee is not good does it seem reasonable to talk to the people in H.R.? I'm thinking about starting a VSL H.R. department so I can complain to myself about my variable ability to make decent coffee. But I don't want to ruffle any feathers...

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  1. I laughed out loud when I saw the photos of (almost) empty spaces combined with the post title.

    I don't know if it was intentional but thanks for the laugh, Kirk!

  2. I used to be self-employed too, until I realised my boss was a complete bastard.

  3. Geez. I thought I was the only one with a wicked boss.

  4. Kirk,
    I really like these short posts that consist mostly of one or a few photographs and just a bit, or no introductory text quite a bit.

    What I liked about these pictures is that I automatically peopled the seats with people that I wanted to have a conversation and a cup of coffee with.


  5. Instead of an H.R. department, and all the expense of pension and benefits ... Just get an aeropress. Fantastic coffee in 3.5 minutes (3 minutes to heat water, 30 seconds to press coffee, ymmv). I got mine at a big box brick n mortar, but Amazon has it of course. It's perfect for making one to two cups of coffee and really really is worth the hype.

    The magic is in the paper filter, as I understand it, which you can even reuse a few times if you wish, to keep the tree killer thoughts away. I recommend the "inverted" method. My preferred available almost anywhere roast is Pete's Coffee Major Dickason. I keep a bag of that in decaf on hand too, for those times I want another delicious, satisfying cup, but know that more caffeine won't do me any good.


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