The Good Stuff.


An older image (circa 2010 with Olympus EP-2) that I love seeing every day on my bulletin board.

Eve's Organic Bed and Breakfast in Marathon, Texas. 


  1. Gotta love those Pens. I do. That's an impressive image from a crippled 12Mp m4/3 sensor!

  2. Colors don't come more natural... Sold!

  3. This is the series that led me to the Olympus E-PL1. The search for better stabilization (a personal peculiar need) and an EVF led me to try a Panasonic G5, another closeout special. I continue to fight with it, or it with me. Now waiting for used E-M5 prices to settle down again. A recent flurry of interest has driven them up to the point that Olympus is now offering reconditioned E-M5s for $25 more than a new one! How the hell does that happen?

  4. It's a very zany business. I'm not sure one part of Olympus has a clue about what the other side of Olympus is doing. I also wanted to agree that images like the one I posted from Marathon are one of the reasons I now own four of the EM-5 bodies and am awaiting the type 2. I want to see if the type 2 will do for movies what the original Pens did for the Jpeg files.

  5. A very fine example for colors. I'm curious where the open door leeds to...
    And I'm a big fan of the color tonality which the Olympus E-P series cameras produce.

  6. Will you be offering a fine art print of this image. I would be interested in an 8" size.


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