The Good Stuff.


Best comment: "But when you really think of it, isn't it a minor miracle that you can do all those things so very very well with such a tiny collection of gear? Ten years ago we'd have burned you for a witch!"

Photo ©Lane Orsak.

VSL reader, Amolitor, made me laugh out loud when he responded to my whiny column about not being able to find just the right gear to handle-----everything---perfectly. "Ten years ago we'd have burned you for a witch!"  

When I think back ten years the idea that we'd be firing away at 36 megapixel was fairly believable but that the same camera could switch, at the touch of a button, in a near state of the art video camera would have been a bit much to believe. 

I guess I should think more before I write!  :-)  (But frankly I was just happy to be back writing!).

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