The Good Stuff.


Brand Agnosticism. More fun or more work? One Afternoon of Kirk's Street Photography in Austin, Texas. Shot with a Sony Nex 6. Black and Whites.

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Someone in an interview on called me, "Truly gear agnostic." I think they meant it as a compliment. At least I took it that way. The context of the statement was a discussion about how people get locked into brands and are loathe to change even when the change may benefit them. I was cited as an example of a person who largely rejected brand loyalty and would generally seek to match the camera to my project, my point of view----my mood. I like to play with different systems because it keeps my mind and fingers from getting bored. The flip side of the equation is that you have to learn a lot of different menus in order to play camera roulette. I suck at memorizing menus...

At one point a few years ago I decided that I really liked the Sony Nex-6. The price to play wasn't very steep so I bought one and the little kit lens, and a 50mm, and went zooming around taking photographs. Over time I found out what I didn't like about the camera and moved on but it was refreshing to go back through a Lightroom catalog and see what that little camera could do. These images were all taken one afternoon in downtown Austin. At the time I was obsessed with peoples' obsessions with their cellphones. But I did veer from that theme when I came across other images that begged to be taken. Camera set to black and white. Phasers set to stun. Go. 

Modern dating.

"...and it can teleport things..."

Modern meeting.


  1. Mr.T you should do more "Street". You are DAMNED GOOD at it.

  2. Mr.T you should do more "Street". You are DAMNED GOOD at it.

  3. The other day I saw a group of five women, together, all texting on their phones. I can only assume they were texting each other. Personal interaction is even more of a dinosaur than your Nikkor 105mm lens.

  4. Just curious: NEX 6 or @6000 ?

  5. Sony Kenneth, It should read Nex-6. I'll change it in the title. Thanks!

  6. Kirk,
    I'm curious: what didn't you like about the camera? My beef with them was the jpg engine. Hated the color. Otherwise a great little box.

  7. Hmm. the ergonomics didn't do it for me and the lens range was spotty when I owned the camera. Also, the focus was a bit slow.

  8. I have to agree with John W.; especially the "band" image; priceless!

  9. How true are your words, loyalism may lead to blindness if not dealt with carefully. Oh, and very nice monochromes!

  10. I enjoyed reviewing the photos. Thanks.


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