The Good Stuff.


Want: 4K video. Great still imaging. DFD AF. Small and light. Floppy screen. Cool body design. Perfect price. G7

The new Panasonic G7. My next 4K video camera.

(please, please, please have a headphone jack)

Here's the U.K. customer page for the new camera:

I have owned and extensively used a number of the Panasonic cameras, including the GH3, GH4 and the G6. The G6, while it used an older sensor (GH2 vintage), was a remarkably good little camera---especially for 1080p video. The G7 looks to be a very nice update to the G6 and provides 4K video in the camera. The package of the body and the 14-42 lens is priced under $900.  I can only imagine that some traditional video makers get a bit nervous about stuff like this because at that price these things are almost expendables for production companies.

If the sensor is the same one the GH4 is using I'm sold. It would make a nice video brother to the Olympus EM5.2 cameras. All in the extended family....

I'll circle back when I've got more information.

Another image:


  1. And of course born to run with your 12-35. I see that combined with the newer 14-140 (newer than the first mFT version) it will go for $1100. What a marvelous all-in-one travel kit that would be. Total weight 27 ounces.

  2. Yes it looks a great little camera but why did you fall out of love with the more pro built GH4?

  3. And the silver version looks so good....

  4. Charlie, I think the GH4 is the best shooting 4K video camera on the market for under $3000. I love the video image and operation. I choose now to rent one (or two) for video production instead of owning it. The bulk of my work-work is done with the full frame Nikon 810 while the Olympus EM-5.2 is logically a better match for my older (non lens I.S.) Pen FT lenses and adapted lenses.

    If I could only have one camera it would probably be the GH4. Instead, I choose based on use. And now lots of people have the GH4 in rental.

  5. Looks great to me. I've been using a pair of G6 bodies for a while now. I bought them when I needed a mic input and couldn't afford a pair of GH4s. Once I got past the plastic look and feel (and turned the sharpening waaaay down) they became my go-to small cameras.

    I really like the looks of this. I hope they updated the sensor, and yes, a headphone jack would be nice.

  6. 3.5mm headphone socket, according to DPR.

  7. I bought a G6 and returned it. I wanted to like it, i really did and perhaps I got a bad "sample" as the on I had turned in way worse noise than my old GH2. I had some video at ISO 1000 or so that looked like a cubist painting. It could be the person behind the camera, but I've had no similar issues with the RX10 or A6000.

    One thing I did love was that kooky timelapse capability. Great fun!

  8. Sigh. No headphone jack... hmmm. I could take the feed out of the HDMI, run it into the Marshall Monitor and pull the headphone audio out of the monitor......right?

  9. It needs a more competitive sensor then the G6 if it's going to compete. I actually prefer the SLR style body with nice grip to the rangefinder bodies so that is a plus right away for me. A competitive set of features would put this one on my "want" list.

  10. Supposedly it's not the GH4 sensor, but similar to the GF7. I'm sure it's an upgrade from the G6.

  11. There is microphone jack just by the left strap lug. It has rubber cover.

  12. I must have one of these now! Actually I guess I will rent one before I go out and drop the money. I would love to have a lighter camera. Lugging around a 5d mark iii with a 50mm 1.2 is a workout!


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