The Good Stuff.


I was walking along, writing things in my head, when I saw the clouds playing with the street lights. What a lovely sky!

Austin Morning Sky.


  1. The comments are open. You could write something.

  2. Still digesting your most recent post.

    Vacationing here at Keuka Lake, not far from Mike Johnston's new home. Sat on the deck taking pictures of shadows and sparkling water. Wondered why I needed a bunch of interchangeable lens gear.

    (to be continued above.)

  3. Doesn't "talk" to me somehow - the image, I mean. But I prefer posts which are about art, and you've asked us to comment...

  4. Wolfgang, Thanks! I loved the comment.

  5. Surprisingly, the sky is similar here in Wales now (notoriously rainy country).

    The streetlights in this remind me of Ben Roberts' Spanish stuff.


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