The Good Stuff.


More images from a walk through the park with a nice camera and an old lens.

This is one of the trails that leads to the Barton Springs Pool.
To the left is the stream that connects the pool to 
Austin's Ladybird Lake. 

At various places along the stream people sit in the cool water
and while away their time making balanced rock sculptures
from rocks they find on the bottom.
The water is always cool. Mostly 68 or 70 degrees (f). 
At the other end of Barton Pool it comes bubbling up from underground.

People who pay admission to the pool usually keep their clothes on. 
People who swim in the stream instead are less likely to do so...

In the morning there are many canoes at the open air canoe rental shop.
By noon on a hot day there are none left to rent. 

This is the trail that leads away from the pool toward downtown.
We have miles and miles of trails around the waters that flow through
our downtown area, most covered by old and new trees for shade.

This bridge takes traffic over the creek on Barton Springs Rd. 
On a hot afternoon paddle board people and canoe-ers glide under and linger for 
respite from the powerful sun.

I walked all morning and on the way back to Barton Springs and my car I saw hundreds of 
fit, young people paddle boarding, canoeing and running through the park.
It certainly gives weight to the graffiti on the column in the image above....

These stairs lead down from the running trails that interconnect around
Zilker Park to the pool at the north end of Barton Springs Pool. It's area that 
people frolic in when they don't want to or can't pay the $3 admission to the 
big pool. 

All images: Nikon D610+Tamron 20mm-40mm zoom.

Lovely day for a walk.


  1. Lovely colours.

  2. Kirk,
    The pictures of the underside of the bridge brought back fond memories since I was there two years ago. However I really like the last picture of this post of the stone stairs. The play of light and shadow on the steps is lovely. It makes me want to climb to the top to see what is there. Perfect for the armchair explorer.


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