The Good Stuff.


What's the boy up to this Summer?

He's working at a software company (what did you expect in Austin where we have more software developers than baristas?).  I think he works all day on a computer there and when he comes home he relaxes by....working on his computer. In about a month and some change we'll disrupt the routine all over again and send him back off for his second year of college.

Why is there a desire to build a time machine that could go into the future? Time is going forward more than fast enough for my taste....


  1. I want a time machine to go back in time and buy a bunch of Microsft and Apple stock when it was penny stock. I agree with you on the forward part.

  2. Enjoy each precious moment.
    make time for what the boy wants..
    You have no idea how fast time gets..
    A month is one week and speeding up.
    i am traveling at terminal velocity..


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