The Good Stuff.


Just being happily amazed at online learning. I just checked some metrics at

In the last two years 170,919 individual people have taken my free course: Professional Family Portraits at

Nearly 8,000 more have signed up to take one of my two other classes.

Before the advent of online edutainment these classes would have been workshops with about 10 students in each. I would have had to teach 17,000 workshops to reach the same audience that I have with the free class.... amazing.

Post processing at my studio with a Wacom Cintiq.

Behind the scenes at the video production.

Our Super Model: Victoria. 

I explain stuff. 

I play with gear.

And then we shoot.

Wooden Tripod Rocks.


  1. I'm watching the course with my daughter. I don't have the heart to tell her you broke up with Sony after the course was done :)

  2. Just think of it as a trial separation. :-)

  3. I've done both your family portrait and studio portrait course and thoroughly enjoyed both - and you even answered a couple of questions I asked.

    Would you like me to send you a wish list for a few more courses? :)

  4. Say...back in the days of direct mail that would have been an almost 5% conversion rate, contacts made to sales acquired. All achieved without the costs of layout, printing, or postage. Not bad, you think?

  5. Hope the wooden tripod does not rock...


  6. Doesn't hurt to have a pretty model too ! : )


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