The Good Stuff.


Sometimes you have to step in and be the machinist.

I was photographing at a spare parts fabricating shop in Georgetown, Texas yesterday and one of the things on my list was to get a bunch of shots of this new machine. The foreman clicked it on so the screen would be live but he was quick to add that the shop was on a tight schedule that day and he couldn't afford to pull any of his people off their other jobs to pose for me.  I had gotten a lot of images of the machine by itself already. Wide verticals, exciting forced perspective shots, shots looking straight into the machine.... but I wanted on set of shots that showed someone working at the machine.

I set the self-timer on the D750 to ten seconds, framed up the shots I wanted and went for it. I just wanted the human element. I'm glad I didn't wear cargo shorts....


  1. Gives a whole new meaning to "facing the Mazak" ;-)

  2. Great improvisation. It should be a clear path for new photographers with aspirations.

  3. A little photoshoping and it would capture everyone's imagination about where "Muzak" comes from :)

  4. "I'm glad I didn't wear cargo shorts...."

    Why? Got a thing about bare legs?

  5. Naw, Mike, I've got fabulous legs and a great tan but they would violate the basic safety regs of a working machine shop. Wore my steel toed shoes as well. Gosh, it almost sounds like industrial photography is a blue color sport.

  6. I wonder what Lewis Hine would make of this!

  7. Even from behind, it is obvious you are baffled by the thing.


  8. A little photoshoping and it would capture everyone's imagination about where "Muzak" comes from :)

    Like most people even know what Muzak is, haha...

    The capabilities of those Mazaks are amazing --for the most part, the machinist sets the program and watches. Your photo pretty much says what a modern machinist's job is like!


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