The Good Stuff.


Last post of 2015 at The Visual Science Lab.

 For me, a visual reflection of the passage of time. One super power of photography...


  1. This is one of your All-Time-Great Photos Kirk! Have a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2016 & Beyond. Keep up the good work.

  2. Happy new year Kirk.
    Wishing you and you family a happy and prosperous 2016! Thanks for all the great writing.

  3. Happy new year to you and your family Kirk. Thanks for all the posts, sharing your insights and your photos. Looking forward to what 2016 will bring.

  4. Passage of the time!

    That great tweet say it al, as your masterpieces, Ben And your portraits of Ben:

    Jason English ‏@EnglishJason Jun 3

    My daughter just asked why we say "hang up" the phone and now I feel 90.

    My best wish for the Kirk clan.

    Here Normandy begins to look and feel like Texas ! Long live global warming, hum! you understand me...

  5. A photo demonstrating once again that content is king.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Next year in Saint Petersburg.

  6. Such a great photo. I really like your portraits of Ben and Belinda (and studio dog of course) they are a window into your worl and it is generous of you to share them. Have a wonderful 2016!!

  7. The happiest of new years for you and your family. Thank you for sharing ... yourself.

  8. Happy new year VSL, Good health and lots of humour to you Kirk and your family and studio dog.

  9. @ jlemile: We still "dial" phones, too!


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