The Good Stuff.


After all these years some people are still hazy about the blog...

Get the hazy reference? The person behind the camera is..... hazy. Cool huh?

We write what we want. We post when we want to. We use the "royal we" as many times as is pleasurable to me. You are free at any time to skip a post, read a post later, read all of a week's posts on one day, or to just look at the photographs displayed here and then go away.

Sometimes I will be working on a project and not be able to post for a few days. Other times, at the end of a project, I'll have more time and will make myself happy by posting more blog entries. Blogging is not my job. My job is taking photographs and making video content for clients.

Blogging is a fun outlet for me. You are not my client. You are not my boss. You are not my mother.  This is not Target or Nordstroms, I am the only "complaint department" and the complaint window has been closed for years.

I hate getting a comment telling me what to do with the blog. Especially one that says,

"Anonymous said...
One post a day, please. No one likes a serial poster."

So, if you happen to be the entitled reader who donated that thought yesterday, please stop reading my blog; it is obviously overwhelming you. If you are one of my regular readers or a commenter who includes his name along with a comment, Thank you!

Other than an occasional nudge to buy a book I've written, and a once in a while link in the copy to an Amazon product page, this blog asks nothing of its readers other than a modicum of reciprocal politeness and the willingness to share your experiences and knowledge.

I don't hawk weekly, monthly, quarterly workshops, no appeal to buy my (high nano-acuity) hyperprints, no sidebar filled with display ads, no crowdsourcing appeals, hell, I don't even have a t-shirt to sell you. (but I am working on a coffee cup (joke)).

Read at your own peril. But don't tell me how to enjoy my own blogging. Got it?

We are now ramping up the comment moderation. I've put Charlie Martini in charge. You can still disagree with me but you just can't be a dick.


  1. Well Said. Thank you for your blog. And I mean YOUR blog. -Steve

  2. With regards to a T-Shirt, I think a limited print run of 'You can still disagree with me but you just can't be a dick,' might sell very nicely indeed.

  3. 'You can still disagree with me but you just can't be a dick'

    I think I'd buy that on a coffee mug, maybe with one of your grumpier self portraits.

    (Joking, just joking)

  4. Thank you for my morning laugh!
    Consider this my comment of support.

  5. Love your blog Kirk Tuck, keep it up, your way, please.
    Thank You.
    Ken James

  6. Wonderful, Kirk! I read your bog for the sheer enjoyment of your writing, philosophy and attitude; not that I haven't learned a lot too. I have you to thank for steering me to the Olympus OMD when my arthritis overcame my ability to hold full frame and medium format cameras.


  7. Your blog mate, and no arm chair expert should have the right or opinion to infer his/her habits on anyone. As for myself I enjoy reading and learning from your posts thank you.....

    Have a nice weekend.... Regards

    Wylie S.

  8. Hi Turk, Your blog mate, and no arm chair expert has the right to tell you how to run it. For the most part that is all they are Wah-Ta-Nah-bees.... As for myself I enjoy your posts and pictures always learn something... Thank you!!

    have a nice weekend


    Wylie S.

  9. Post what you want as often as you want. It's your blog and if someone doesn't want to read a post they can skip it. No big deal. RE: your post about the ring light. I have a small one that I occasionally find useful for filling excessively dark shadows but I don't generally care for the effect. Particularly if you are shooting B&W it is the shadows that define the image. The purpose of a ring light is to have totally flat light and I don't find that appealing. When I was an army photographer (early '60s) our standard "portrait" lighting was two floods on each side of the camera, one high and one low, all equidistant from the subject. Fine for an ID photo but not very interesting IMO.

  10. I wondered how you would react when I read that comment.

    Oh, I'd buy a VSL T-shirt.... ;-)


  11. Thanks for your blog, may it continue to bring you personal satisfaction. Occasionally my life gets too busy and I must miss a few, hope that you manage to get by on those days. I appreciate the generous sharing of your life's experience and experiences. Please say hi to your loyal friend and companion Studio Dog,


  12. Just wow. God forbid that a creative mind should hav more than one idea to share on any given day...

  13. In the words of Ring Lardner, "Shut up, he explained."

  14. For some reason when I read that post it came across to me as 'tongue in cheek'. Tried to be funny but was maybe too literal without a ;-) afterwards.
    Anyway, for me I check your blog every day and for me the more the better. I enjoy your blog a lot.

  15. Ditto on the comments Kirk. Your writings, your time, your blog. We (the royal "we") are not making mundane by the rote sausages per factory schedule. A little more irregularly released but regularly entertaining informed musings and stories comes from the the crack Visual Science Lab staff, and we appreciate it all. Always a treat to see what's on the site, images or otherwise. As to the coffee mugs and t-shirts put me on the list! Maybe a shirt with "Can you see my Nano-Acuity? tm" with one of your portraits. The Studio Dog? Yes?

    Entertained and informed as always...



  16. Funny thing, I read that comment as tongue in cheek. We* all come here because we like your writing and your photography. Maybe he forgot to put a smilie on the end.
    It can be a little feast or famine sometimes here at VSL, but we know you have a day job. Either way, thanks for sharing your thoughts and knowledge.
    * = most of us any way, some folks will walk a mile just to spit on your shoes, on the Internet at least.

  17. I wish to complain that you don't send me a personal email asking me to read each and every post :)
    Forget photography - just start selling "Don't be a dick" t-shirts, coffee cups etc. I would buy them

  18. Of course it is silly to tell someone how many posts he can write per day in his own blog.

    I am personally more than happy to read more than one post per day in your blog!

  19. sYour blog is yours and your post are always interesting I can only thank you for that..grazie :-)

  20. People dig your blog because you are a teaching pro who is giving back with no agenda but the advancement of the art of photography. There are very few bloggers that can say that with any truth . If for any reason you stop I will be very depressed as if I lost a friend.

  21. Thanks for each and every post you write, regardless of how often (or not) you post them. Feel free to write none, one or many on any given day. Although I prefer more of them rather than less, I'll take whatever scraps you bestow on us unworthy souls.

    Please don't let one jerk bring you down - the trolls aren't worth it.

  22. Kirk: I'll start by saying that your blog is a pleasure to read because it's solely about your photographic and non-photographic musings. Additionally, and very important for a blog, you write well. There are more than enough blog sites where one's brain can be filled with technical details about every facet of a camera ad nauseum. So from my point of view, please keep musing away.

  23. Come on, Kirk, make that VSL T-Shirt happen already! I will buy a few, and wear during my shutter therapy sessions!

  24. Great post and well said. This is still America the last time that I checked. You are free to write what you want, when you want, and publish it when you want. Those that have a problem with that can start their own blog. Keep blogging your way. Thanks for what you do.


We Moderate Comments, Yours might not appear right after you hit return. Be patient; I'm usually pretty quick on getting comments up there. Try not to hit return again and again.... If you disagree with something I've written please do so civilly. Be nice or see your comments fly into the void. Anonymous posters are not given special privileges or dispensation. If technology alone requires you to be anonymous your comments will likely pass through moderation if you "sign" them. A new note: Don't tell me how to write or how to blog! I can't make you comment but I don't want to wade through spam!

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