The Good Stuff.


The Visual Science Lab is on vacation. Kirk ran out of interesting things to write about.

Romans on scooter. ©2016 Kirk Tuck

Much as I love writing about photography and cameras I find myself
at a pausing point and need to figure out where photography is 
heading; and me with it. The field feels likes it's just become so diffuse and ubiquitous
that it defies all of the logic, arguments, entrenched history and presumptions 
we used to carry around and hash out in blogs. 

Just taking some downtime to concentrate on the ongoing process of making art. 

Christopher Robin said it best, 


Check back in a week or two...


  1. O no , what am I going to read now?

  2. Frankly, I'm not here for the vastness that is photography today. I want to know what Kirk Tuck is doing in his arena in that realm. The business, the gigs,the variables, and lastly, the gear. Philosophical excursions always welcome.

  3. We wait, with hope, for The Return.

  4. Today's photography is not your father's photography. At my age (63), I suppose I am my father in this respect. The defintion of photography is no longer what I learned it to be. Take your time, Kirk. I would love for you to come back with revelations heretofore untold to real photographers. I just hope you don't come back extolling the professional virtues of the iPhone; I could not bear that.

  5. Hi All, Just a little break with a guaranteed return. To James especially == the iPhone adulation is NOT going to happen. We've got bigger fish to fry.

  6. "...Check back in a week or two..."

    Whew! That gives me some hope of catching up on your recent posts. Thanks!


  7. It's really simple. I enjoy reading about your daily exploits as a pro photographer. And I also enjoy reading about your equipment choices and the processes you go through to make those selections. I am looking forward to your return and you enjoy your time off and come back refreshed and ready for the next round - wherever that leads us.

  8. Bisy Backson is on Flickr, some interesting photos too.

  9. Enjoy the down time. Return when you feel ready. We'll all go out and photograph things while we wait.

  10. "Romans on scooter" You just assume they are Romans – looks like two Texan gals to me!

  11. I hope someone has slipped you a few hundred rolls of film and a worldwide travel-pass!

    Do whatever you need to do and everyone natural entropy excepted, of course) will still be here when you come back.

  12. While you are on your hopefully short leave please consider discussing some potential useful options on cameras. 1) With all the technical capabilities available I wonder why camera makers haven't provided an option to identify the hyperfocal focus point for landscape photographers in particular. I remember a Canon camera that did something like that years ago so it's possible especially with all the upgraded processors and electronically linked lenses. 2) I have to wonder why there are such tight limits on framing options. I really like to frame my photographs in the viewfinder and would love to have 4x3 and 4x5 options to choose from in my Fuji. User selected sizes should be doable. These framing options should be available in either JPEG or RAW, should have a dark frame in the viewfinder and should be the default frame size in the processor. 3) And lots of other useable options instead of the kiddy stuff that someone just can't resist, even on the more technical cameras. Maybe modular options would work or even alicart options with a base selection and others to add as needed.

    What options would you welcome in your work?

  13. Crazy morning of packing. Video is still photography X 3. Yesterday was all about microphone selection. Out the door for this project in an hour. Back blogging when we wrap.

  14. Monday morning, and the withdrawals begin.
    Well, enjoy your time off, I will miss reading you every morning, you have become my top choice ;-) for morning over coffee reading. You are most reliably there and alway immensely interesting.

  15. This is the first time I have commented - long time lurker. Please, enjoy that break! Those who read your site do not come for quantity, and will undoubtedly welcome your return whenever that may be... I have no doubt we will all benefit from you giving time to yourself :) Always enjoy your posts, whatever they may be.

  16. I'll let you in on a little secret: the other photography bloggers have also mostly run out of things to say. Long ago, actually. But their blogs continue as HSNs for gear purchases and they continue to provide the same 'important' photography click bait stories concerning the 'alarming' erosion of photographers' 'rights'. Plus gear 'reviews' that are based on spec sheets and an afternoon's usage with supplied kit lens. So take all the time you need to recharge your batteries. Your blog is more interesting to me on some days than others, but is never irritating or obviously written for money (I get that folks need to earn a living, but still there seems to be a definite path that takes most bloggers from 'passion' to 'clicks', with writing quality suffering as a result). I enjoy reading about the business of being a pro photographer, and enjoy accompanying you on your gear switching journeys as needed.

  17. Diogenes "Dodge" BaenaMay 17, 2016 at 3:20 PM

    You don't have to publish this "comment". I was looking for a way to email you my use of the RX10 but I couldn't find any.
    Anyways, here is a link to my blog entry:

    I'll miss the BEST blogger that I know of (even better than best now that you use Sony). Take your time to recharge and reenergized!

  18. Diogenes "Dodge" BaenaMay 17, 2016 at 3:22 PM

    You don't have to publish this "comment". I was looking for a way to email you my use of the RX10 but I couldn't find any.
    Anyways, here is a link to my blog entry:

    I'll miss the BEST blogger that I know of (even better than best now that you use Sony). Take your time to recharge and reenergized!

  19. We come here to read about what YOU think and what YOU are doing. What is going on in the rest of the world is irrelevant.

  20. I can understand where your at. As much as I loved photography and made a nice income off shooting I always had part time work in the medical field or teaching college so, I wouldn't burn out on my photography. I'm now back working part time in the medical field (20 hours a month I see patients). I still do photography for one or two clients and myself. As one person said it isn't my photography any more (I'm 65 now I started when I was 21) but that's ok.

    Good Luck
    Have fun

  21. This really makes some sense. You might find something you can use in blog.

  22. Enjoy your non-blogging time. We're all looking forward to you renewed enthusiasm.
    In the meantime, now that Ben is home how about an essay from him on what it's like to assist his dad? More interesting insights from the Tuck family!

  23. I truly can't imagine how you have done all you have done so far.

  24. I've had a really, really good audience. I don't want to let them down...

  25. I hope you are enjoying enjoying the break from blogging, I'm amazed how you can blog while being so busy.
    I hope you get to do whatever you and your family feel like instead of feeding your readers

  26. It's a nice coincidence that our "vacations" have overlapped. I hope you have enjoyed your's.


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