The Good Stuff.


Paris Hatters. San Antonio, Texas.

My first real memories of downtown San Antonio were of eating ice cream sundaes at Joske's Department Store on the corner of Alamo Plaza and Commerce. They had a restaurant on one of the top floors and they made clown faces on the sundaes and put the cones on upside down, like clown hats. It wasn't until I was old enough to walk around the downtown area by myself that I started to discover older businesses like this one, a hat shop that's been on a side street in downtown for over one hundred years. It's still there. It's still open for business and they still sell hats and boots. 

I like to think that ranchers and ranch hands come in from the small, surrounding towns to buy their authentic hats there. It was somehow reassuring to round a corner and see that the shop was still there. Progress marches so quickly sometimes...

I tried two different compositions.
I like seeing more of the building but I'm not sure 
I like seeing the tops of the cars. 
I'll have to look at them for a while.

Camera: Sony RX10iii.
ISO: 100
Fancy Jpeg.


  1. Hey Kirk, I prefer the closer crop.

  2. The closer crop is my favorite. I have not thought of Joske's in a very long time. I am feeling old. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good Paris Hatters story.

    But the next time you're in town you really oughta run by The Pearl complex.

    Lots of new stuff there, depending on when you were last there of course.

    Especially the new Hotel Emma, both exterior and interior.

    Might be a little cooler there temp-wise as well.

    And no shortage of food and drinks.

    The new Doseum on Broadway, just north of The Pearl, presents some nice photo ops as well.

  4. Less is More for the Hatter Shop. I would like to see the top of the Vertical HATTERS Sign in your picture. I have fooled with Sony JPEGS for quite a while and sometimes I like the Portrait and other days the Landscape, but I have found the Sunset Creative Style to have a nice warm coloring for many old buildings. But in Adobe RAW, I can not Duplicate the Sunset Style in the picture. My point being is that I wish I could auto bracket 3 Creative Styles like the Fujifilm Cameras do, but also shoot a reduced sized RAW image at the same time. This all is a lot of fun and the results can add so much to the image that was in my mind's eye. Thanks for all the adventures you share with us, you are never boring and I always like to see what you are up to!

  5. Last time that I was in San Antonio was in early 1964 while at Lackland AFB. Don't remember a lot about it, but it sure wasn't like the pictures I see today. I do remember really big, cheap steaks, cold beer and the Alamo. The closer crop is better for me - the cars are distracting.

  6. One with the cars for sure, not even close, the cars transform a run of the mill shot. (That's why they say "De gustibus nondisputandem est.")

  7. The first photo is my choice. It takes me to an earlier time. The second photo has modern cars and neon lights that pull me into the present. I have enough of present reality every day. The first photo is a bit of a retreat for me.


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