The Good Stuff.


Special August Vacation Offer for my Studio Portrait Lighting Class!

I'm out on vacation until the first of September but I wanted to give you a link to my Studio Portrait Lighting class that is $25 off the regular price. It's a fun course and this link makes it so inexpensive. Try it. If you aren't happy they'll refund your purchase. See you on the 1st.

The course is fun and you can watch it as many times as you like.

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  1. Just curious and was going to email about this question in reference to your book as well. I have the "opportunity" to take local real estate photographs as there is a real shortage of photographers to do so. I'm retired and have plenty of time to make a few extra bucks (and it is a few-per job). While I've done crime scene photography back in the 70's, and lots of nature, wildlife and landscape photography since, I know little about interior/exterior real estate photography. I'm sure I have enough equipment except for lighting. Do you recommend either or both the book or class as helpful in this regard?

    Thanks for all you do.

    Del Bomberger

  2. Hi Del, I don't recommend the class if what you are looking for is a guide to interior and exterior real estate imaging. The class is really all about portraits. I don't do a lot of architecture but I've done my fair share. For entry level real estate work you'll need a solid tripod and a wide angle lens. The wider the better in my experience. I generally use a 21mm, 24mm and 28mm for most of the interior work I get asked to do. Occasionally I'll bring along a 14mm but that's usually too wide and forces perspective too much. In addition to the tripod and wide lenses I also use a level in the hot shoe of the camera to make sure all the vertical lines are straight. While lights help dark spaces many photographers make good use of HDR and that's where the stout tripod is especially handy. Taking three or more exposures and blending them together in PhotoShop to give a wider range of tones from highlight to shadow. Some small, slaved flashes can come in handy to put extra light into dark areas. I think a bit of web research will probably turn up some tutorials on the subject. Hope this helps.

  3. Okay, it's August 31st, time's up on your sabbatical, as of your second post-swim coffee tomorrow, get typing.

  4. Hi James, I posted the first "back to school" post just now. It goes live at 12:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. (Just after midnight). I am working on a second, bonus post, right now....

    I look forward to your comments tomorrow!


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