The Good Stuff.


I finally had time to do a better edit on this interview with Dave Jarrott. I like it now.

Dave Jarrott Interview Solo from Kirk Tuck on Vimeo.


  1. Video by Kirk Tuck. Editing by Kirk Tuck. Still Photos by Kirk Tuck. One man band?

  2. by the way your experience with portraiture seems to translate great into interviews.

  3. Perhaps Ken Burns should start to worry.

  4. I'd say this guy is brilliant. And that you managed to stay entirely out of his way. That is no small accomplishment, when you consider that you are actively engaged in lighting, setting up and running sound, directing, and -- to a completely unknowable extent -- coaching and structuring his flow of thought through questions. Even the moves on still photos show disciplined restraint so that they don't call attention to the effects. If we were still using tape, this one would go on the reel.


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