The Good Stuff.


One of the four videos we're producing for a healthcare client.

I came back from Canada last month with hours of good video material that we're weaving into various programs. One of the first priorities was a short video message from the Canadian CEO about the 20th anniversary, in Canada, of one of their prosthetic leg products, the C-Leg.

More videos to come.


  1. Nice work. And, a marvelous device.

  2. Wow! Great product. Great video.

  3. Kirk

    The CEO was not speaking to, not looking at the viewer. He was talking to someone else.
    It would have been helpful to have opened with a brief shot showing to whom he was talking.
    An over the shoulder shot, perhaps?

    Just a thought, Goff

    1. Hi Goff,
      It's not necessary in this type of piece to establish an off camera interviewer like in a 20/20 piece or something. This is pretty standard approach

  4. Kirk

    I wouldn't have believed it but you are getting me interested in video. You got all the nuts and bolts right; white balance is right (see shirt), audio is excellent, not over saturated, etc. The structure of each segment draws the viewer in. And the story is compelling. Mike Rosiak is right. This device is marvelous. Now I'm going to watch it again.


  5. Top notch work. How do you get someone to appear so relaxed on camera?

  6. Yeah, your portraiture skills are great at making these interview videos. Top work!

  7. Very nice! Does the client do the script for the speaker?

  8. Hi Edward. Good question! I generally script anything that gets scripted but we work closely with the marketing team on messaging, etc. in this series of videos there were no scripts for the people in them. All were "real people" responding to questions that I posed to them. Their answers are spontaneous and unrehearsed. We carefully edited comments together from multiple clips to end up with the final "performance." We approached these videos as documentaries since future episodes feature actual users of the C-Leg and we wanted their unvarnished words and emotions when they talk about their experiences.

  9. Kirk- very well done. Good to have such an eloquent and articulate subject - I guess as CEO he better be passionate about his product! Great opportunity for you to do work for such a company; great for them to be benefiting from your storytelling expertise! Look forward to more.



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