The Good Stuff.


The second video in a series I shot earlier this year, in Toronto, Canada.

John Mitchell C-Leg Story Rev. 1.1 from Kirk Tuck on Vimeo.

Many readers have asked to see the video productions I've been writing about. We have to wait until our clients publish the work we create for them, in a public forum, before we can share them. Fortunately, the client we worked for in Canada, Ottobock Healthcare, is happy to get the videos posted to their public Facebook page as soon as we get them edited and they are approved.

Here is the second video from our time in the great North.

I thought I would quickly rehash how I shot them so that the gear specs will be fresh in your mind while you watch the video.

I took along four cameras but ended up using the same two cameras every day. The "A" camera; used for each interview, was the Sony A7Rii. I shot it using a modified version of picture profile #4, in the 4K setting, and in the APS-C format. The APS-C crop is higher quality than the full frame, although most of us would not know the difference. The second cameras, used for every shred of "B" camera work --- interior and exterior --- was the Sony RX10iii. It was also set up using the same profile but I used it mostly in the full frame, 1080p mode.

My standard fps setting was 30 but I did go to 120 fps for the scenes where I was pretty sure I would like to slow down the action in post processing and would appreciate the smooth, detailed content.

The Sennheiser MKE 600 shotgun microphone was my mic of choice for all interviews. I ran that microphone into a Beachtek interface and took the audio from the Beachtek directly into the interview camera.

The editing was done on a recent iMac computer in Final Cut Pro X. I added Nattress Curves and Levels to the program as a plug-in so I'd have more control over the tonality of the parts that we converted to black and white.

The project parameters in FCPX were 1080p with a ProRes 4:2:2 rendering, sound at 48k 16 bit.

I like the Sony cameras very much and have backed away from my initial bedazzlement with dedicated video cameras. I like being able to toss super fast 85mm lenses on the front of a full frame sensor to get that razor thin depth of field look from time to time. I also like being able to grab stuff from far away with a 600mm equivalent lens. Mostly though, I've found the image quality from the conventional Sony cameras I am using to be exemplary and I'd rather fully fund my SEP every year (yes, it is tax season) that buy more cameras.

One more thing... the Sony RX10iii running with an external monitor delivers nearly 2 full hours of run time. Far exceeding the video run time I was able to get in conventional mirrored cameras I'd previously used.


  1. Brilliant! Beautifully done. It tells the story with complete authenticity and delivers an irresistable selling statement at the end.

    Now, inquiring minds want to know -- how does one get this video to the people who can benefit from the product? That would include all the decision-making physicians and all the patients with existing above-the-knee prostheses who might be inspired to try something different? I know the makers of the Harry's brand razor and blades were able to chase me through virtually every online medium I read until I relented and bought one. But this is a very specialized target.

  2. Happily, Michael, distribution isn't my responsibility. I will say that then video we uploaded last week hit over 11,000 views on my client's Facebook page in less than 24 hours. And the one I linked to was on their YouTube page. The benefit of having a very specialized product is the reality that you probably are keenly aware of the small group of individuals who refer patients. In most cases it would be the physical therapy people, the clinicians and people who specialize in prosthetics. There is a time gap between leg amputation and rehab and then between rehab and prosthesis fitting. By the time clients are ready to make decisions the doctors are just a memory.

    Thanks for the compliment on the video. I am happy with it. I got good advice from James and Frank. They are the video lifeguards at my editing "swimming pool."

  3. Another excellent video, Kirk. I will need to start reviewing all your video-focused posts in the next few months as I would like to do more videos to help my wife with her home business, as well as one of the volunteer organizations I work with. Just got a used RX-10 ii (will sell the Mk1 to help defray costs) for the higher quality video. Interestingly, I thought the 1080 video quality on the RX-10 was always better than that of the A7ii, but I guess I don't know how to maximize video yet on the A7. Thanks again for sharing your videos and for being so generous with your knowledge and expertise.

  4. Hi PhotED, Don't sell the RX10ii short. I think its 1080p is better than that of the A7ii by a long shot. The A7ii is a bit behind the A7Rii for 1080p as well. The RX10ii is a remarkable camera. I won't part with mine and will happily shoot it interchangeably with the A7Rii or the a6300. The a6300 is a great 4K camera; lower noise than the RX10's and almost as sharp...

    1. Thanks, Kirk, for confirming. I was also referring to how good the RX-10 Mk I video seemed to be vs the A7ii. I did not realize that the A7ii was actually not as good as the Rx-10 ii's 1080p. Your point above makes me want to try the Mk ii video ASAP if it's even better than the Mk I. Cheers!



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