The Good Stuff.


Kid heads off to NY for his senior year of college.

Last lap. Ben's back at school, hitting the books and having fun. This is a photo of him from his grade school years hacking away at an old Mac laptop. He's having an after school snack of grapefruit and blue cheese. 

Time goes so fast. If you still have young ones at home don't ever put the camera away. Shoot even the most mundane stuff. You'll love it later. Believe me.


  1. Man growing up I sure hated it whenever my mother pulled out the camera. Then I dated a girl who literally did not have a picture of herself before the age of 18, which altered my perspective. Now as I am awaiting the birth of my first child I am searching for a great carry everywhere camera and wondering if I should upgrade my beloved Canon Rebels to something a bit better for chasing after fast moving kids. I need to thank my mother for all the pictures she did take.

  2. The mundane is where life happens.
    This is a GREAT picture. I think I have seen in on your blog before.

  3. Today I get leads from clients who saw my work on their phone.
    I am possibly the only member of my family that actually views web pages, videos and photographs on a desktop computer.
    Everyone else is a servant of their phones.

  4. Sorry posted to wrong article. Please delete

  5. I have followed you from before he went to college. Can it really have been that long ago... I think I'm losing my grip on time. With regard to taking photos of your family, I think there are lots of photos being snapped but almost no one prints them out for an album or a scrapbook or even a old shoebox stashed in a closet. Most them will never be preserved in any manner that will allow retrieval years down the road. Instead there will be regret and forgotten times.

  6. I have two boys, ages 5 and 1. I'm trying my best to document the mundane. At a minimum, I plan to make annual photobooks and photobooks after larger family trips. These are great gifts to grandparents and great grandparents too, especially when they live far away. And should anything happen to a particular photobook, I can just re-order it online. Hasn't happened yet. I almost never use my phone. A Ricoh GR is my take anywhere camera and a Fuji X-t10 with 35mm F2 for the rest.

  7. I would love to take lots of photos of my kids doing mundane things, but they have made it clear to me that they really really don't like it when I take photos of them. My wife has the same problem.

  8. Craig, my kid barely tolerated my picture taking when he was younger. Now he grudgingly admits he really likes some of them. You must be much nicer than I because I went ahead and took the photos even when he acted grumpy....

  9. A Instax or a Polaroid is currently my favorite media for family pictures. In an age of screens, an actual picture that magically slides out of a camera gets my kids attention and wants another picture taken.

  10. it seems yesterday when...
    PS: great photo, yes memories are good...


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