The Good Stuff.


"Singin' in the Rain" A video for Zach Theatre. Stills and video shot with the Panasonic GH5.

Singing in the rain interviews from Kirk Tuck on Vimeo.

Here is the video I mentioned last week. I shot all of it on a GH5 and edited in Final Cut Pro X. There is absolutely no color grading or post production on the actual video for either interviewee. I was happy with the files straight from camera. This piece was shot in 1080p. Its intended use is on the web, via YouTube and Vimeo.

I am happy to mix my stills with the video. I think it's a fun way to get in lots and lots of content.

Added on 10/10: Let's talk effectiveness for a moment. I did the video as an exercise for a non-profit client. I have a 30 year history with Zach Theatre and love the work they do. At any rate I handed off the video to them yesterday afternoon. Four hours after they posted the video file on their Facebook page they had gotten over 1,000 views. Now, about 16 hours later they have 4200+ views on their Facebook page. A live theatre review site picked up the video file (with permission) on their homepage and the video has gotten another 1,500+ views. My blog has delivered several thousand views (but most are from out of the state of Texas....). These all occurred in less than 24 hours. I am guessing that targeted videos are a good resource....

Added later on 10/10: We have now published (yesterday) my 3,400th blog post. Google tells me that 23,250,000+ have come and read material directly on the blog since its inception and that 82,000,000 total page views have occurred, which includes referrals. It's kind of fun....


  1. You are coming into your with this video. Great camera work and editing.

  2. Thanks Frank. As you know I value your opinion very much. Best, Kirk

  3. Once again, your use of stills in video is extraordinarily well done. And the fact that the on-stage stills and video are a dead match in color, tone, all aspects of appearance is almost sleight of hand: there is no disruption of the flow. Superior stuff.

  4. What they said, plus impressive camera work, and all hand held too. Amazing!

  5. I really enjoyed this... great work! Something I can learn from too.

  6. I had to go back and watch this clip again to look for the technical stuff because it was seamless so that nothing jumped out the first time...accept that it enjoyable to watch. The cutting in of the stills and the B-roll to the interviews was excellent.

    On a different technical issue, how did they get the rain water off the stage and was it a problem for dancing in tap shoes?

  7. Hi Fred, Thanks for the nice feedback.

    So, the stage is slightly canted from front to back so water heads toward the rear of the stage and into a channel which feeds it into pumps on either side. The floor surface uses a specially textured paint that provides traction even when wet. His first big dancing in the rain number is at the very end of act one so as soon as the curtain comes down the stage crew is out with squeegees to help get the water where it's supposed to go. The cool thing about this rain effect is that it is from front to back 1/3rd of the stage. Most just use a shallow rain effect across the front of the stage. The director wanted to be able to get the whole dance ensemble into the rain, from front to back. Our tap dancing lead is from NYC and runs a dance school there. He got a lot of practice dancing in rain here.

  8. Kirk,
    Thanks for answering the rain question. As a former tap dancer (half an hour, once a week after lunch in first grade:-)) I was quite curious. I had visions of someone walking across the stage holding a sign saying "pay no attention to the man with the mop," followed by the man with the mop cleaning up the stage during the performance. Your explanation makes more sense.

  9. Tremendous work.
    James Hunt

  10. Hi, Kirk, I've been reading you since I-don't-know-how-long. Is there any way to search your blog archives? Fairly often, I want to read everything you've said about a particular camera. In particular, I am on the cusp of springing for an RX10 III and want to read about why I should!


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