The Good Stuff.


FINALLY !!!! My video of Stephanie Busing for ZACH Theatre is back up and public. Good thing too, I was running out of stuff to write....


  1. Great footage and wonderful insight into a highly creative, and insightful show! I found myself totally immersed in her description. Nice work, thank you for sharing!

  2. When you run out of things to write about... An old cartoon in the New Yorker by Booth- Guy sits in front of a Typewriter looking for Inspiration, 40 dogs sitting around... His wife yells "Write about Dogs"

  3. The to-the-camera interview is terrific. The animation and on-stage sequences are terrific. And the editing is superb.

  4. I watched this video three times when you first put it up and again when it reappeared. It aged well :-). It felt like I was almost right there as she was interviewed. The shots of the production that were edited in were really interesting. I remember wondering about the lighting from some stills that you posted a while back.
    Ms. Busing seems to have a very cool job.

  5. Great video! Well shot, and well edited! I cannot think of anything else to say, other than I look forward to your next posted video.

  6. I really like this. Very well done.


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