The Good Stuff.


24,000,000 Pageviews for the Visual Science Lab as of 1:44 p.m. today.

Leica M6+35mm Summicron. Tri-X. Family dinner at Asti.

Pure dogged determination and bad time management skills make for a long run on a niche blog. Did anyone like the last 3651 posts? Drop a comment into the mix and let me know. 

And if you are unsatisfied with the content I'll return your initiation fee AND your deposit. We don't charge here so we make it up with volume...


  1. Read and enjoyed them all. Well, all in the last 3 or 4 years anyhow. This is the only photography site I still read on a regular basis -- gave up on all the rest.

  2. Like a good restaurant, consistent quality, varied and interesting offerings - you have people coming back time after time to see what you have prepared for our delight today. Don't ever stop . . . . please!!

  3. I wake up to you and Studio Dog every morning. Can't leave home without it.

  4. Wow! To think I knew you before you made your first million! (Page views, that is.) :o)

  5. Love your blog.

  6. Congratulations, by the way, and thanks. You produce more interesting and relevant content per month than the whole slew of contemporary photo magazines.

  7. Keep on going! I put a lot of weight on the opinions of someone who actually earns his living by selling photos rather than earning his living by writing reviews.

  8. Re: Gordon R Brown: me too!
    Keep them coming; this is the (for me) most enjoyable photo blog in the Universe!

  9. Well deserved. And the price is right.

  10. I have been an almost daily reader for a couple of years now. Best photoblog east or west of the Pecos!

  11. Congrats, Kirk. I don't know how you do it, but keep it coming!

  12. The first thing I do at 0530 is coffee, then your blog with the coffee, then a work out. I enjoy your blog and commits a lot. Now that I'm retired it makes me feel good to see that working photographer's are still needed and what they are up to.
    I really enjoy the posts about the older cameras and lenses still being useful, and how we are to caught up in the latest, but maybe not the greatest tech toys. That there is still a place for the older cameras, lenses and the photographers that use them.
    I enjoy your model shots and theater image as well. The different cameras, lenses along with the different lighting, and colors.


  13. How many since about mid-2012?

    You keep writing 'em, I'll keep reading 'em.

  14. Good morning coffee and the latest from Kirk, best start to any day! Have you made a contract offer to Ben yet?

  15. I’m not sure how long I have been reading your Blog for now, but it’s many a year. I like all your posts: the personal, the factual, the tongue-in-cheek, the explanatory, the business methods — all great. I have also got to know you, your city, and whole lot about the business of a working professional photographer in the current environment. I was chatting to a young sales guy in a camera store recently who said he had just taken up shooting Weddings and I suggested he should read your blog for business and portraiture hints and tips. I wish blogs like yours existed when I was doing Weddings & Portraiture and PR work, especially your business and promotional tips. And on top of all that, your swimming blogs inspire me to maintain my cycling and walking regime. Thanks for sharing all those aspects of your life with us Kirk! Cheers, Keith

  16. I would say, I liked 3650 of the last 3651 posts. I am sure there was one dud. I wish I could remember what it was. But, seriously, it is incredible that you are capable to write so much and essentially always be interesting and entertaining. Beats me how one can do it, day in and day out.

  17. Like a deeply drawn breath of fresh air, your blog satisfies my photography itch and other parts of my life. Thanks for all the work. It is appreciated.

  18. I did too. Especially the slightly Off-Topic-Posts in which you write about life (Studio Dog, Swimming, Food, General Observations, University) and combine it with photography. From your recent posts the one about "continuing the continuum" resonated the most with me. All the best from hot & sunny Germany, Cheers, Guido

  19. Congratulations on hitting an incredible amount of views. There is a reason why of course! Your blog is intelligent, informative, honest & enjoyable. Because of you I started shooting Olympus micro 4/3 in 2011 & I have continued to use them as they have evolved. I still find 16 mp works for me in conjunction with good lenses. Like many of the people who read your blog I don’t always comment but your blog is always appreciated. Thank you

  20. Kirk: it's a pleasure to read your musings about photography, family and life in general. I most appreciate your willingness not to review a product you've never laid you hands on.

  21. Your blog is an important part of my photographic life. Best wishes for many more posts.

  22. I even read your posts about swimming with great pleasure, although I make a point in not swimming.

  23. You don't find many blogs from valid photographers that are like a keen discussion at a café terrace sipping some wine and exchanging personal viewpoints about work, family, health, and the latest surprising find in a (lens) curios shop !
    No obligations, no selling of a brand, no patronizing... Just sharing ! Nice... :-)

  24. Good morning,

    Congratulations on 24 million page views!

    Just curious:

    1) Does your forum software distinguish between robots and real people?

    2) Can you tell if all page viewers read the articles, such as how long the viewer remains on the page? (I don't if the topic doesn't interest me.)

    Best regards,


  25. Have enjoyed your writing and photography for years. Keep on keepin' on.
    I guess I'm page view 24,000,000 and Don't forget me!
    By the way if humans were meant to swim, by golly they would have gills, fins and enjoy eating flies and smaller fish.

  26. Daily reader for years and years. Enjoy your blog, a lot! Thank you very much!!

  27. Why does a duffer amateur read your blog every day? Because it's simply so thoughtful and well-written! Even topics that have little connection to my life (e.g., professional lighting equipment) become interesting in your hands....


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