The Good Stuff.


Stupid and mindless destruction of gear.

I decided to bring a TV monitor with me on today's shoot so the marketing team of my client could see the big images across a 24 inch screen. It was going to be so civilized. I was busy loading the car in the driving rain and I stuck the monitor, carefully wrapped in plastic to prevent water damage, onto the back seat. I left it standing up and then instantly forgot about it.

I was zooming along to our appointment when a traffic light turned yellow then red. I put on the brakes and a second or two later heard a "smack" from the back seat. The monitor came down with gusto, banging into the hard back of a case. I didn't think much of it until we set the monitor up on the stage and plugged in the HDMI camera from the camera.

I turned the monitor on and, yikes, it was chaos across the screen and there were cracks across the top third of the screen.

My art director offered to recycle it for me. We spent the rest of the afternoon looking at the LCD on the back of the D800. I guess this is why we generally transport the Atomos Ninja monitor in its own hard case.

I console myself with the thought that I'd bought the monitor on sale for somewhere under $200. I cursed myself when I realized that it was handy to have around and I'd eventually have to dig into my pocket to replace it.

Ah well.

Other than that the shoot went great!


  1. I'm laughing while I write this. Not at your misfortune, but at how thing just happen, things like putting your 27 inch iMac in the back seat to transport it for a shoot and forgetting it's there. Laughing, hahaha....Stuff happens.

    Glad to hear the shoot went well.

    Laughing, crying it the same release.


  2. It happens. I had my old MacBook Air in a back back. After a hell of a day I got on a bus and leant back, taking a deep breath. What a relief - that was all over!

    That was the end of the MacBook Air screen.


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