The Good Stuff.


There are some shots I take that seem meaningless but which I like looking at. I might be the only one but that's okay.

I think I enjoy this one because there is so much blue in this shot that the red construction elevators just seem to come alive by contrast. I see the buildings as large waves and the elevators as small fish. It's kinda crazy but endless building is a topic of art exploration that will become more and more interesting as population growth heads toward geometric and there is an ever mounting pressure to build enough living and working spaces to accommodate everyone. It will be ever more relentless.

Documenting the growth of a city is like taking a long term pulse....

On a different note, I was comparing images taken with the same wide angle zoom on the D700 and D800 cameras. I like the files from the D700 better --- at least if no one is going to blow them up really large. They just seem sharper and more topographically juicy.


  1. Just great shapes and lines! And when you’re on the sidewalk in the city, this is how things look. I like it.

  2. Heck everything I shoot these days falls into that category!

  3. Neat photo. It makes a graphical sense. Since red is typically a foreground color and blue a background color, the elevators stand out. Most western viewers read left to right so the red on the left also "reads" first.

  4. Kirk I traded a D800 for a D610. Most think that would be crazy but I get consistency sharper photos with less megapixels when handled than I did with the D800.

  5. where have u been Kirk... i miss my fix

  6. I take pics mostly for me, memory makers and the whole "shutter therapy" thing that Robin Wong writes about. I'll post images on social media, print a few ... if others like them, that's just gravy.


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