The Good Stuff.


The kind of photo session that makes you happy and reminds you why you love making portraits.

©2018 Kirk Tuck. All rights reserved.

©2018 Kirk Tuck. All rights reserved.

In this "final frame" E. is finished with our session and getting ready to walk out the door. I couldn't resist getting just one more frame. 

©2018 Kirk Tuck. All rights reserved.

I shot three profile frames. 

My work for the theater rewards me with the joy of meeting many talented and inspiring people. One of those people is a choreographer and dancer that I've worked with for a number of years. She asked me a week or so ago if I would take some promo photos of her daughter for her budding acting career. I gladly agreed and was thrilled when mom, dad and E. came to my studio for a session.

We photographed in the studio for a while and then we headed into my house just to change up the look. E and I collaborated on over 400 shots. She never lost focus or grace. I was amazed at the obvious talent of this amazing four year old. Our session made me happy to be a portrait photographer. I felt as though I'd been given a gift to work with such a great young talent. An hour today which reminded me why I love my art.

I had at my disposal a bunch of different cameras but a little voice in my head pushed me to use one of the D700s. I paired it up with the older Nikon 85mm f1.8D lens for these two images. In the studio I used the 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 VR lens. With the raw file settings at 14 bit, uncompressed, I think this camera is unbeatable for its portrait look. Better than any other full frame camera I've shot with in years.


  1. Portraits are why cameras needed to be invented, and kids are why they are still being made.

  2. You captured her charming personality perfectly. It may be distant memories of my daughter at that age, or it could be encoded in our DNA, regardless I can't imagine anyone looking at the first image and not smiling. It is absolutely infectious.


  3. Love 'em. Love the pink shades and the attitude.


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