The Good Stuff.


Blog news.

I got annoyed having to click the boxes with ostriches in them in order to leave even my own comments on the blog. I finally had enough and turned that off. I hope I don't get spammed but I'm weary of being subjected to too many barriers to the comments. Have fun. I'll still moderate.

Please, no Asian brides or low cost clipping path ads!

Added on Saturday the 29th:

And just as soon as I turned off the word verification for the blog it got inundated with spam and crap. So, all bets are off. We're back to word verification because the one thing I don't have time for is to wade through spam.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Blame all the assholes on the web...


  1. I am not a robot. No need to publish. Just testing.

  2. Thank you! Those "click which photos have a street crossing zebra in them" and show you abysmal quality jpegs you can't make out drive me off the wall. I am to the point where if they pop up, I abandon whatever I am trying to do- just not worth the aggravation.


  3. I may be a robot. That could account for some of my incessant malfunctions. But this has me at a loss. I read daily and comment more frequently than is justified but have never encountered ostriches, poor jpegs with street crossing zebras, or any of these phenomena. Am I reading in a parallel universe? Or had something changed recently?

  4. Michael, I was talking about the annoying Capcha graphics that came up when one posted comments. It was too icky to continue...

  5. I found that if I was signed into my gmail I could bypass the capcha crap and just click on "publish your comment".

  6. I shouldn't post this -- I may jinx myself -- but I never got Capcha graphics on your site. Just a click box that says "I am not a robot."

    Maybe I just look honest. lol

  7. Il avait quitté "The Walking Dead" en 2012.


We Moderate Comments, Yours might not appear right after you hit return. Be patient; I'm usually pretty quick on getting comments up there. Try not to hit return again and again.... If you disagree with something I've written please do so civilly. Be nice or see your comments fly into the void. Anonymous posters are not given special privileges or dispensation. If technology alone requires you to be anonymous your comments will likely pass through moderation if you "sign" them. A new note: Don't tell me how to write or how to blog! I can't make you comment but I don't want to wade through spam!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.